Winning the unwinnable: 10 Life lessons from RAGBRAI

Ride your ride.

- Ericka Thomas


Winning the unwinnable: 10 Life lessons from RAGBRAI

Just for fun!

My top 10 life lessons to win something as unwinnable as RAGBRAI

10. Know yourself AND your equipment.

9. Take care of your skin.

8. Gut Check. Get your food right so you can enjoy yourself.

7. Deep water dive. Hydrate hydrate hydrate + electrolytes . (Beer doesn’t count)

6. Pick your style. 

5. Training for your journey. 

4. Comfort with discomfort.

3. Adjust your expectations.

2. Stop & smell the roses.

1. Ride your ride.

Winning the unwinnable is about giving yourself the best chance to succeed in every moment and enjoy yourself while you’re doing it.


Hey there!

I’m your host Ericka Thomas. I'm a resilience coach and fit-preneur offering an authentic, actionable realistic approach to personal and professional balance for coaches in any format.

Savage Grace Coaching is all about bringing resilience and burnout recovery. Especially for overwhelmed entrepreneurs, creators and coaches in the fitness industry.

Schedule a free consultation call to see if my brand of actionable accountability is right for you and your business.


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