Welcome to The Work IN!

8 essentials to make any health change last a lifetime

Nothing changes until something changes. Welcome back to The Work IN podcast. At the time of this recording it is a brand new year. 2025. And just like every year  there are a lot of “New year new you” challenges kicking off. Are you bored with them yet? Frankly what I want to know is why do we offer the same thing every year? Why not focus on making permanent changes that last beyond the next 3 months? So that’s our work IN today as we celebrate our 200th episode and 5th season. I’m going to teach you the 8 essential things you need to do to make any health and wellness change last a lifetime.

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The art and science of manifestation: Why goal setting is such a struggle and resolutions fail

I’ve given up resolutions in favor of a more organic goal setting and a manifestation practice for both my business and my life. Our Work IN today is a look at the art and science of manifestation and why goal setting is such a struggle and resolutions fail.

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