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Burnout, Fitness professional development Ericka Thomas Burnout, Fitness professional development Ericka Thomas

Refilling your well

I don’t care who you are, you are not a bottomless well of energy. 

Not only is your job to refill other people but you also have all the other obligations and expectations in your “real life” outside the gym and studio. If you discount these things or ignore them for too long that’s when the burnout creeps in.  And for fit pros that burnout can kill your career. So what do we do?

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Burnout, Creativity, trauma informed, Communication Ericka Thomas Burnout, Creativity, trauma informed, Communication Ericka Thomas

3 Keys to take fit pro’s from good to great

Just because something feels easy to you does not mean that everyone can do it. You are unique in your particular zone of genius. Even though there are many, many people out there that teach what you teach, that are a coach of what you are a coach of that provide services the way you provide services, but they don't do it exactly like you because you are an individual and what you bring to the table. What feels easy to you does not feel easy to everyone else, and that's why they're going to hire you.

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