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Integrating holistic health and nurse coaching with Taylor Byrer

Taylor Byrer is a holistic nurse coach and owner of Byrer Integrative Wellness . She is a former ICU nurse who after suffering from burnout for years, shifted to travel nurse and finally left the ICU to be a post surgical recovery nurse in an attempt to try to escape chronic stress and physical dysfunction in her body.

She was forced to take a step back and truly listen to her body. During the process of healing herself through many different modalities, Taylor discovered integrative wellness coaching. Her background and experience as an ICU nurse, journey of self healing and her passion for serving others has given her a unique perspective and mission of advocacy for her clients helping them become their own best advocate.

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The menopause connection with Beth Kruger

We’ve talked about sleep, nutrition and movement and the things you can do, the small simple things you can do every single day that can have big lasting effects not just on your physical health but also your mental health. The last piece to the puzzle is connection. And it’s a big piece. Bigger than just one solo episode. So I thought I’d bring in some examples of how we can find connections between our health choices and our health and resilience. My guest today is Beth Kruger. Beth is a women's wellness educator, yoga instructor and coach. She’s spent her career supporting women through childbirth, lactation, pregnancy and fertility. She’s a business owner and entrepreneur and has led many women’s wellness retreats all over the world. Her current focus is on menopause and helping women over 40 through this transition.

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Holistic hope from the other side of trauma and PTSD with Jason Sapp

one of my goals on this podcast is to try to use these conversations to help normalize the experience of trauma so that people don't feel so alone in their experience. And so that when we encounter someone who has maybe a trauma story, or trauma history or maybe is struggling in that moment, we can hold space for them a little bit and maybe extend a little grace for what they are experiencing. And my guest today is a beautiful example of that and of how you he's using his own experience to help others. Jason Sapp is a retired Army sergeant and Iraq or combat veteran, and now a certified professional life coach and author, Jason guides people to more holistic alternative resources to wellness…

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Holistic Healing, Ayurveda, Chronic Stress Ericka Thomas Holistic Healing, Ayurveda, Chronic Stress Ericka Thomas

Know Nature, Know Yourself: The science of Ayurveda with Mira Katyal

There's also another issue I have found that now we have a flood of information and the information is disconnected and you don't know you're shooting in the dark. Should I drink this juice Should I take that protein shake, should I took a smoothie. So there's nothing behind it which will, unless it's just your personal observation and trial and error, but Ayurveda doesn't have this trial and error, it has a big theory behind it that explains how these things work. So you are not doing random things.

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