Welcome to The Work IN!

Your edge and activation

exercise and diet is one of those kinds of stresses that can be good, right? They can stress the system in a way that produces good adaptations. But they can also push us to the edge so and beyond that edge. So the challenge for fitness professionals and coaches is to understand that piece and then structure workouts, dietary protocols, nutrition plans, classes, whatever our thing is, we want to structure them in a way for the individual that makes that hard enough, challenging enough to trigger an adaptation without setting off one more internal alarm

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True North: Safe sane coregulation

Co-regulation is a full format communication skill that’s rooted in your own self regulation and awareness, defined by your personal and professional boundaries and directed by curiosity and discernment. These things are accessible to all of us with practice.

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Self centered trauma informed

Welcome back to the Work IN. Today I’d like to begin a series of episodes on integrating trauma informed principles in the fitness industry. Ready or not, everyone who comes to you for health and fitness goals is also carrying some level of stress and trauma and being affected bay that in known and unknown ways. And Fun fact, you are too.

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