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Reclaiming your health and resilience: Part 1 - Sleep

Today kicks off a 4 part series on reclaiming your health. Movement, nutrition, sleep and connection, each of these are levers, access points and communication pathways into the nervous system and each of them can and will affect your nervous system whether you know it or not in both positive and negative ways. Today, I want to kick off our series by looking at sleep. I like to think of sleep as the canary in the coal mine. Often (not always) it’s the first thing we notice when we’re stressed. It’s an easy thing to gauge. How well do you sleep on a regular, consistent basis?

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Holistic Healing, Ayurveda, Chronic Stress Ericka Thomas Holistic Healing, Ayurveda, Chronic Stress Ericka Thomas

Know Nature, Know Yourself: The science of Ayurveda with Mira Katyal

There's also another issue I have found that now we have a flood of information and the information is disconnected and you don't know you're shooting in the dark. Should I drink this juice Should I take that protein shake, should I took a smoothie. So there's nothing behind it which will, unless it's just your personal observation and trial and error, but Ayurveda doesn't have this trial and error, it has a big theory behind it that explains how these things work. So you are not doing random things.

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Healing Your Hunger with Tricia Nelsen

Tricia is an internationally acclaimed author transformational speaker and emotional eating expert, she lost 50 pounds by identifying and healing the underlying causes of her emotional eating. She's spent over 30 years researching the hidden causes of the addictive personality, Tricia is the author of the number one best selling book Heal Your Hunger, Seven simple steps to end emotional eating now. She also certifies health coaches so that they can get better results, referrals and revenue by helping their clients overcome emotional eating

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Freeze: The many faces of overwhelm

The Freeze state is part of the parasympathetic side of our nervous system. It can be a little confusing because social engagement and calm also is parasympathetic and we think of freeze as bad and social engagement as good. So today we’re going to work IN to the freeze state and talk about what it is, what it’s purpose is, what it looks like and feels like in humans and how we can safely move out of that state if we find ourselves stuck there.

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