Welcome to The Work IN!

8 essentials to make any health change last a lifetime

Nothing changes until something changes. Welcome back to The Work IN podcast. At the time of this recording it is a brand new year. 2025. And just like every year  there are a lot of “New year new you” challenges kicking off. Are you bored with them yet? Frankly what I want to know is why do we offer the same thing every year? Why not focus on making permanent changes that last beyond the next 3 months? So that’s our work IN today as we celebrate our 200th episode and 5th season. I’m going to teach you the 8 essential things you need to do to make any health and wellness change last a lifetime.

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The art and science of manifestation: Why goal setting is such a struggle and resolutions fail

I’ve given up resolutions in favor of a more organic goal setting and a manifestation practice for both my business and my life. Our Work IN today is a look at the art and science of manifestation and why goal setting is such a struggle and resolutions fail.

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Anandamaya kosha your bliss body

Today we wrap up this series with the 5th and innermost kosha, Anandamaya kosha. This layer is described as a steady state of bliss  and in many traditions our true self. Our work IN today is a discussion of what that means for all of us mere mortals and the difference between the feeling of bliss and the experience of bliss.

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Vijnanamaya kosha your wisdom self

We continue our exploration of the koshas this week with the 4th kosha. Vijnanamaya kosha is our wisdom body. The seat of our intellect.We strive for both wisdom and intellect and yet struggle to define them in practical ways. That’s our Work IN today. We’ll look at simple ways to tap into this wisdom layer of our selves to build awareness and resilience on our journey into our true self.

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Manomaya kosha your mental self

We are rarely who we think we are. Or are we? Manomaya kosha is the mental illusion over our true self. Our Work IN today we’re discussing our mind, its monkey aspects, squirrelish behavior and how to untangle the truth of who we are. Welcome back to our series on the koshas. We've discussed Annamaya, our physical body layer, last week we talked about pranamaya kosha our energetic/breath layer and today we’re diving into Manomaya Kosha. Mano= mind Maya= illusion. Manomaya is all about our thoughts.  

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Pranamaya kosha breath of life

Without breath, we cease to exist and yet we spend very little of our time or attention understanding its healing power. Unless we’re in a yoga class. That’s our Work IN today, exploring pranamaya kosha, our energetic self, through the breath as a communication pathway between the body and the mind for stress and trauma healing.

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