Shaken not stirred

Stress is trauma and trauma is stress.  It’s a normal part of life. The truth is, whatever the story, trauma of any flavor can become clear and present danger that magnifies the intensity of day to day stress if you don't learn to shake it off.

Shaken not stirred

What's your definition of stress? Busy schedule, lots of plates spinning, being pulled in multiple directions? Or is it chronic pain,  physical injury or the memory of a traumatic event?

Big or small, trauma happens in the body. It’s not a mental problem or brain disorder. What we call Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can happen to anyone. It occurs when you experience an event that triggers your fight or flight response but are prevented from following through on the action your body demands. Effectively freezing time and separating your rational brain from your primitive brain. So your body still feels the threat as life or death even though your rational brain knows it’s past.

What's Going On...

You’re in an accident, you’re coming out of surgery, you slip and fall. Maybe you were assaulted, you were attacked, you witnessed a terrifying event. You might live every day in dangerous situations, or your home life isn’t secure, you live in fear. Maybe you were abandoned, abused, or injured. The source and story of the stress or trauma doesn’t matter. The body reacts the same way. You survive.

You survive because your body reacts faster than you can think. Your primitive threat response takes over and does whatever it needs to do to keep you alive. Nothing more, nothing less. You're a survivor. 

In the aftermath you learn to adapt to that tension in the body. You might even have forgotten all about it. Your body adapts to everything your primitive brain learned in your trauma. It creates mental, physical and emotional habit patterns to keep you safe. Your body never forgets. 

The Need to Heal...

When I was 17 I had my tonsils removed. I remember waking up after surgery shaking uncontrollably. I was in the recovery room as the anesthetic wore off. Alone.

That was my first conscious experience with the tremor mechanism. I didn’t know what it was at the time or why it was happening until I was introduced to TRE®.

TRE® or Trauma & Tension Releasing Exercise is a way to tap into the body’s natural tremor mechanism and re-engage self regulation to stress. It was developed by Dr. David Berceli, a world renowned trauma therapist who witnessed first hand what can happen when people don’t allow themselves to complete their natural stress response. It’s a series of simple exercises that open the body to it’s natural tremor mechanism.

Unlike typical exercise which uses only voluntary movements sometimes at too high of an intensity, TRE® allows your body to move into involuntary trembling and shaking with ease and complete control over the process. The tremor mechanism communicates safety and re-establishes self regulation of your body’s stress response. This allows the vagus nerve to flip the switch from fight or flight to rest and repair.

It allows the body to naturally begin it’s own healing processes.

In my personal practice I’ve  seen a remarkable down regulation of my stress reactions. I’m able to experience everyday stressful events without losing my temper. I feel calm and centered despite everything going on around me. I’m able to feel joy and gratitude in the present moment without being swallowed up by my driven nature.

I’m in the process of healing old injuries that had far reaching effects and I’m learning how my body has held onto the mental, physical and emotional context surrounding those injuries. TRE® has given me a new, less adversarial and far more trusting relationship with my body.

If you would like to learn more about TRE® or find a provider in your area CLICK HERE. If you’re curious and want to learn more about how you can begin your own trauma release practice online and from your own home click the button below!

Ericka Thomas Owner/Founder of Elemental Kinetics LLC

My name is Ericka Thomas. I offer trauma release exercise + yoga memberships and private coaching for survivors of stress injury and overwhelmed people just like you.

If you’re ready to take back so control of your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing I’d love to work with you!

Get started with my FREE e-book Getting Unstuck !

Copyright © 2020  Elemental Kinetics LLC all rights reserved.


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