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Mental Health, Post Traumatic Growth Ericka Thomas Mental Health, Post Traumatic Growth Ericka Thomas

Post Traumatic Growth: Finding a peaceful, playful and purposeful life with Gina Rolkowski

Nobody wants to admit they're traumatized because especially by people, they trusted to love them and empower them, keep them safe, blah, blah, blah, right? That I mean, that is horrible. That's a horrible, horrible thing to think the people who I needed to love me just didn't even give a right is about me to the point that they were hurting me, right. That's horrible. And I think that when we that being so awful, often prevents people from admitting like you know, what, maybe this is related to the fact that, you know, I had this horrible upbringing,..

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Trauma Release Exercise: What is it good for?

The whole purpose behind the Work IN is to help people find ways to work with and through their own body to heal stress injury, lower anxiety, and in general feel more comfortable in their own skin.

In my online studio I teach courses and memberships that use a type of exercise called trauma release exercise

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Resilience: Physical fitness for your nervous system

We can't remove all of the challenges, all of the triggers that we could possibly come into contact with simply to make ourselves feel more resilient because resilience isn't about being calm all the time. Resilience is about rising to the challenge whatever it is, and then coming back to our calm. And if we want to get better at doing that, then we need to practice doing that.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

The Sleep Factor: Sleep 101

Most of us have some level of fatigue and I can't think of anybody who has not at some point in their life, missed a night of sleep for one reason or another. The problem with that is that when we extend interrupted sleep pattern for long periods of time, we can end up doing some real damage to a lot of different physiological systems in the body. Stress plays a big role in this. Because when we experience chronic stress over long periods of time a can bleed from just a bad night's sleep here and there, into chronic insomnia and long term sleep deprivation and we know that over time. Sleep deprivation can actually become another cause of elevated stress levels.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

How the Body Perceives Stress: An Insider’s Guide

I want to share my Insider's Guide to How the Body Perceives Stress to help you understand how your emotional response and stress response are connected through the body. Because chronic, toxic levels of stress can affect not only our mental and emotional health but our physical health as well.

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Stress Relief Ericka Thomas Stress Relief Ericka Thomas

Wrap Up Resilience: building a buffer to stress

You’re the special order, life is the delivery truck and resilience is the bubble wrap. It’s there to cushion the blow, not to prevent the blow. The stronger your resilience, the thicker that buffer around you, the easier it is for you to recover from being kicked around the back of a truck or tossed on the front porch.

If this year has taught us one thing it’s that we need to learn to handle stress better. And we could all use a thicker layer of that bubble wrap.

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