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selfcare, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas selfcare, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas

Unsexy Selfcare with Jo Bregnard of the Selfcare Sanctuary

For fitness professionals who are always on the go, always trying to be better at their job, you’d think integrating self care to avoid burnout or help us recover from the physical demands of our career would be a no brainer. Unfortunately just like with so many others who work in helping professions, we tend to be last on our own list if we make it on at all. And this leads to the inevitable physical, mental and emotional burnout…

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Life Coaching, Entrepreneur, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas Life Coaching, Entrepreneur, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas

Mental fitness and Mastering your saboteurs with Life Coach Jenny Toh

mental fitness, based on the training that I did with Dr Shirzad Charmine, Positive Intelligence is the, the way you look at life situation from a positive and resilient mindset, as opposed to a negative one. So it doesn't mean that you know you put on a smiley face all the time. No, it’s looking at the situation objectively and seeing what you can glean from it. Yes you have those feelings like grief, anger, anxiety, but then experience those feelings. And after that, be able to take a step back and ask yourself, what is the gift in the situation, what is the learning opportunity here.

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mental health, Stress Relief, healing Ericka Thomas mental health, Stress Relief, healing Ericka Thomas

EFT: Tapping into Emotional Freedom w/ Melanie Yates

Melanie is a certified EFT therapist with a multi modal approach and years of practice in health care. Melanie takes her knowledge, experience love and light and successfully mentors others. She has coached hundreds into a world of self fulfillment and freedom. She helps clients who feel stuck, find ways out of darkness and bondage by incorporating simple but effective practices that create neural pathways to positivity and happiness. She specializes in difficult challenges, including PTSD, addiction, depression and anxiety. Melanie is a best selling author of the book happy, joyous and free, as well as a sought after inspirational speaker. 

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Freedom from the wellness fairytale: Part 2 simplifying food prep with Paula Davis

Today we're going to shift our focus on that conversation and move a little deeper into one of those six foundational elements, and that is this idea of nourishment, through nutrition,…some of the things that Paula recommends can really open up a lot of freedom in how we think about food how we think about nourishment and some of the really practical things that we can do to make it easier to eat healthier for more freedom in our day, more free time, more freedom from food dogma.

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Trauma release exercise, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas Trauma release exercise, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas

Trauma Release Exercise: Finding safety in a stressed out world

Donna Phillips is passionate about bringing trauma release exercise to the world as a way to safely self regulate stress tension and trauma. We're going to learn a little bit more about what trauma release exercise is,  what it does for the body, how it can help us connect and reestablish a friendly relationship within ourselves and safely down regulate the nervous system, so that we can really experience our lives to the fullest.

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Stress Relief Ericka Thomas Stress Relief Ericka Thomas

Wrap Up Resilience: building a buffer to stress

You’re the special order, life is the delivery truck and resilience is the bubble wrap. It’s there to cushion the blow, not to prevent the blow. The stronger your resilience, the thicker that buffer around you, the easier it is for you to recover from being kicked around the back of a truck or tossed on the front porch.

If this year has taught us one thing it’s that we need to learn to handle stress better. And we could all use a thicker layer of that bubble wrap.

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