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Entrepreneur, Business Coaching, Social Media Ericka Thomas Entrepreneur, Business Coaching, Social Media Ericka Thomas

3 Social media skills NO ONE needs (and are crippling your business)

I have had a love hate relationship with social media from day one but when you are looking to scale an online business it seems like a necessary evil. I’ve learned some things over the last 4 years though that have given me a little less anxiety and a whole lot more backbone when it comes to using social media as a tool. I’d like to share some of those things with you including 3 specific social media marketing skills that no one needs no matter what business you’re in.

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How to use AI with integrity: Setting professional boundaries

Are you hearing a lot about AI? I am. It seems every other story in the online business has to do with new AI tools. Either how this new tool will revolutionize your business or how it’s the beginning of the end of free thought and creativity. No matter what camp you fall into, AI technology is here to stay and you might want to set some intentional professional boundaries around how or why or if you are going to use it.

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Energy medicine for trauma with Greg Wieting

My guest today is the founder of Prisma, a framework that overlays trauma, neuroscience, and energy medicine was somatic and mindfulness based practices and develop this while healing his own anxiety, depression and chronic pain rooted in trauma. So he has his own personal story, and I'm really excited to talk to him today.

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Trauma INformed fitness with Andrea Hanson

My guest today is Andrea Hanson, M. Ed. We talk a lot about trauma informed instruction, trauma informed relationships, and things like that on this podcast, and I think we need to dig a little bit deeper into what exactly that means, what it looks like, and how we can really bring it into the real world.

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Herd of Unicorns

I’m always careful when I teach to direct awareness to the muscle connection in poses, to give permission and freedom for students to feel whatever it is they feel. Maybe it’s because I always used yoga as a crosstrain or maybe because I came to it from the fitness side, but I want my students to understand some of what the body is naturally designed to do. To understand how to work with it rather than fighting to put it into shapes that are more performative than practical. 

To me these are not unicorn traits.

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Stop Stretching: Intentional muscle activation with Yogi Aaron

My guest today is Yogi Aaron who is trailblazing a new path in the world of yoga. He's known for his unorthodox perspectives on stretching and flexibility, and how both can cause more harm than good. His teachings aim to help as many people as possible live a pain free lifestyle, so they can realize yoga is true intentions.

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