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Entrepreneur, Business Coaching, Social Media Ericka Thomas Entrepreneur, Business Coaching, Social Media Ericka Thomas

3 Social media skills NO ONE needs (and are crippling your business)

I have had a love hate relationship with social media from day one but when you are looking to scale an online business it seems like a necessary evil. I’ve learned some things over the last 4 years though that have given me a little less anxiety and a whole lot more backbone when it comes to using social media as a tool. I’d like to share some of those things with you including 3 specific social media marketing skills that no one needs no matter what business you’re in.

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Social Media, Online business Ericka Thomas Social Media, Online business Ericka Thomas

Hackers, firewalls and scorched earth

We all want to feel safe. But when you come up against some kind of violation, any kind of violation like a hacker stealing your entire Instagram content library for the last three years, that was three years of content that was stolen from me. That is a violation. It's a surface violation. If I pull back a little bit or withdraw from the anger and the irritation, the frustration of dealing with this, I can look at it and say this is really just scratching the surface of who you are. And I truly believe that…

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