Welcome to The Work IN!

Integrating holistic health and nurse coaching with Taylor Byrer

Taylor Byrer is a holistic nurse coach and owner of Byrer Integrative Wellness . She is a former ICU nurse who after suffering from burnout for years, shifted to travel nurse and finally left the ICU to be a post surgical recovery nurse in an attempt to try to escape chronic stress and physical dysfunction in her body.

She was forced to take a step back and truly listen to her body. During the process of healing herself through many different modalities, Taylor discovered integrative wellness coaching. Her background and experience as an ICU nurse, journey of self healing and her passion for serving others has given her a unique perspective and mission of advocacy for her clients helping them become their own best advocate.

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The Biofield: Connecting energy and healing w/ Debora Wayne

Deborah Wayne is the founder and CEO of the International Chronic Pain Institute. She's a world renowned energy healer, who's leading edge non drug method known as high speed healing has virtually helped 10s of 1000s around the world to rapidly release, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, trauma, battles with weight binge eating, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and other chronic conditions.

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nutrition, diet, stress Ericka Thomas nutrition, diet, stress Ericka Thomas

What is Healthy? Who’s guiding you?

What you’ll find throughout this podcast are ways to improve overall health and wellbeing in 3 basic categories, physical, mental and emotional, and how those things connect with the health of our nervous system and stress response. That seems like such a simple thing to do. And Maybe it would be if it weren’t for the fact that no one really knows what being healthy really means.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

4 Reasons Yoga Works for Depression & Anxiety

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. for ages 15 to 44.3. Nearly half of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with anxiety disorder as well. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the US affecting over 40 million people while only 35% of those seek treatment. An even more disturbing statistic is 25% of children are affected. Today I want to highlight 4 things that are baked into a yoga practice that make it a highly effective tool beyond “regular” exercise for relieving depressive symptoms and anxiety.

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