The Biofield: Connecting energy and healing w/ Debora Wayne

Debora Wayne  0:01  

5000 years in the yoga tradition alone, which is talking exactly about the subtle energy bodies which is what the biofield is, what the energy field is, this is both new and ancient wisdom. There are many cultures indigenous cultures who have talked about the lifeforce energy, the Spirit the CI the product this is not new. It's just that in the last 100 years, science and allopathic medicine became God.

Ericka Thomas  0:39  

Welcome to the work in your guide to natural ways out of stress, tension and trauma. My name is Ericka Thomas. I'm a certified trauma release exercise provider health coach, and yoga instructor, and of using my 20 plus years of experience to bring you a new perspective on health and wellness. I believe that true health and healing begins and ends with the nervous system. And that means, for most of us, we need to reintroduce those connections. The great news is that we can, and that's what the work in is all about. Throughout this podcast, you'll find tools, resources, practices, people, and perspectives that will help you add to your own resilience arsenal and shake off the effects of all sources of chronic physical, mental, and emotional stress, my intention is solely to bring you information and empower you with permission to stop working out and start working in the work in is brought to you by kinetic Grace resilience, kinetic grace is an online program designed to teach safe self regulation of the stress response through the body using trauma release exercise guided body awareness, and the breadth. The program includes private instruction, exclusive access to certify providers and 30 days of group classes. And because it's online, kinetic grace is available anywhere you our enrollment is open now. Visit elemental to learn more. 

Welcome to the Work IN earlier this year on the podcast, we explored the connections between chronic pain and trauma. If you haven't heard those episodes, I highly recommend checking them out. They were episodes 13, 15, 16, 17 And they will inform some of what you're going to hear about today. 

Today, I want to bring you another perspective on chronic pain, depression, anxiety, trauma, and all of those things, along with an interesting new tool and introduce you to a pain release expert. Deborah Wayne is the founder and CEO of the International Chronic Pain Institute. She's a world renowned energy healer, who's leading edge non drug method known as high speed healing has virtually helped 10s of 1000s around the world to rapidly release, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, trauma, battles with weight binge eating, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and other chronic conditions. When I say virtually. I'm talking about, not in person online, so that makes it really really accessible. She's a highly sought after speaker and number one best selling author of, “why do I still hurt” Deborah has earned degrees and certifications in psychology, hypnotherapy and chemical dependency counseling, and has over 35 years of experience practicing and teaching meditation. She's a nationally recognized glass artist, a former professional modern dancer, a certified yoga instructor, and leads the only practitioner training worldwide in her proprietary method known as high speed healing. 

We had a fascinating conversation that touched on everything from the ancient wisdom of yoga to quantum physics. Who knew that those two things could be at all related. We discussed that bio field that extends from each and every one of us, and how it connects and affects our own health, physically, mentally and emotionally. Debra explains what energy healing is and how her process, high speed healing, helps people recover from chronic unexplained pain and trauma, and she shares a beautiful demonstration of her work, so that you can experience a taste of that healing as well. Please enjoy my interview with Deborah Wayne. Welcome Deborah to The Work IN and I'm so excited to have you on with us today, how are you?

Debora Wayne  5:30  

I'm just very honored to be here, thanks so much for having me and I'm excited to dive into our conversation today. It's gonna be fun. Me too.

Ericka Thomas  5:40  

Well let's get started. Tell us a little bit about yourself, Debora, what is it that led you to the field of chronic pain, including anxiety and trauma in that, and specifically in energy work.

Debora Wayne  5:56  

Yeah, so I'll take you back to the pivotal moment. It's probably not what you expect, but over 30 years ago one Monday morning, just a regular get up,go to work Monday morning, I found myself lying on the floor of my walk-in closet, and I could not stop crying. I could not get dressed, and I could not go to work that day and I was in pain from head to toe. I was filled with anxiety. I actually was so bad that I wanted to kill myself. 

And nobody had a clue, because I was very highly functional, and I had not been talking about the problem because I have been trying to solve my pain, anxiety, depression and trauma, and for a long time and nothing was working. And I got sick and tired of being sort of the implications that it was all in my head. There was nothing showing up on a medical test, nobody knew what to do, the things I tried didn't work and I was just, I couldn't fake it one more day. And that day, I was just done out of ideas out of willpower. I couldn't fake it till you make it one more time. So I was lying on the floor of the closet and I screamed out to the ceiling to a God that at the time I didn't believe in at all. And I just cried that prayer of desperation and said if there's anything out there, please help me. And I had a massive what I call a spiritually transformative experience, and within seconds, the closet was filled. I was enveloped in a feeling of unconditional love, a peace that I had never known. I stopped crying. I knew everything was going to be okay. I got up, went into the other room, picked up the phone and I called a professional and I asked for help. 

And I started telling a deeper truth about what was really going on. That was beyond the symptoms, and I went on a healing journey that I didn't expect and at first terrified me and I also thought was a little corny, but it began, the unpacking of a Lifetime of conditioned thinking. It helped me to explore myself in a way I had never done before, and I started having a series of spiritual experiences when I went back to meditation. And this changed and rocked my world, and it's actually the foundation of all the work that I do today. You know, a lot has happened in between then and now, including going back to school and piling on a bunch of those degrees, but the real core of the work that I have been able to help people all over the world with came from my own healing journey and the tools that I developed or discovered that were critical for me to recover from pain and learn how to live without pills without alcohol without drugs of any kind, without over eating every day without you know, shopping to escape all the escapes.

I got rid of them, and recovered and synthesized everything down into the tools that speed up the healing process. Now you asked about energy healing. That came as a result of these meditation experiences where it was literally revealed to me that everything I mean everything that we think is physical, is actually made of energy and particles of light and a vibrational type of information which at the time I had no concept of any of this, I was not into science. That was the class I wanted to skip in high school, and I couldn't care less about it in college. 

And so I had no I started becoming knowledgeable about things that I had no reason to understand, but it was revealed to me mentally, emotionally, physically that there's lifeforce energy everywhere present in the entire universe. And I started to feel how it was flowing through my hands, and that it was revealed to me that it would be used for healing myself and other people. And that's the beginning of a very long deep conversation but it really did. It was the birth of what I do today and it's of course, grown and become refined and more advanced over time, but that's how it all began. My health was done, I, my health was over, the pain got me here, it was the greatest crossroads and teacher of my life.

Ericka Thomas  10:54  

That is an incredible story Debora. Thank you for sharing that because I think, I think sometimes when you're in a moment like that, you feel like you're the only one you feel so alone, and especially if you've been chasing a diagnosis for a long time. And it's just like you said you know some things, there's no blood test for some things, there's just nothing that our western medicine can use to find the answer for you, and it can be very isolating and it's hard for other people to understand what you're going through. And, yeah, and that is, yeah, that is an amazing story so

Debora Wayne  11:40  

very tough and I come from a medical family. So they're all about the data. Well, there was no data, other than what I was experiencing, which like you're saying if people haven't been there, they can't they have no frame of reference for the level of pain and despair that I was going through and especially when nothing showing up on a test, and 30 plus years ago, even more so than now. There was a separation, you know, people thought, well, it's in your head. And as if as if that were separate from your physical health, and they wanted you to chronic keep that to yourself, we don't really talk about that here that's psychiatry, which it isn't, but nobody knew what to do with it and the doctors are trained to help you with anything deeper than physical symptoms. And if the things going on are deeper than physical symptoms they're at a loss, so I ended up living on pills, drugs, prescriptions. I tried everything from conventional to alternative for a long time, foods I tried everything and nothing worked.

Ericka Thomas  12:51  

And isn't that an interesting philosophy, like, somehow your body is separate from your mind or your emotions are separate from your mind or your mind is separate from your body. When that is not possible, like we were not possible to be a mind without a body. It's not possible to be a body without a mind, you're definitely more than those things. It's about the connection between all of those things and how they work together. And, and that's where this physics, this string theory. Yeah, like, really crazy physics comes in, we don't ever see it that way we're not taught to think about ourselves that way as an energy body and, and we can pull some things out of yoga because we, we can learn in yoga about yes the physical we have a physical body, but we also have an energetic body and emotional body intellectual body and these are layers, and, and things that our experiences touch those layers and affect those layers in some way, and Western science and medicine doesn't necessarily touch anything but the physical, physiological body which they know a lot about, but not necessarily how it works together with all those other things, which is fine, we just stay in our scope and just work through what we can, but it's, it's, it's, it's a wonderful thing what you have brought to the world, this high speed healing. 

And the fact that it is kind of an energetic modality is really interesting, when I was reading about it, it struck me that you know we're coming off a year of this separation from other human beings right. We're very disconnected. We have been very disconnected from other people, and living online in this virtual space, and thank God for zoom right or we would be when some real issues, right, and it feels so good to reconnect with those people, with our friends with our family. And I don't know that people understand why it feels so good to come back into connection with other people, that is that energetic thing, that's, that's our co- regulation, working there, right. And can you explain a little bit more about that energy,what is going on there  between people? And what is that? How does that connect, when there's chronic pain involved, when we have these issues that we can't really put a label on. And I've got more questions, I would just let you answer those first

Debora Wayne  15:57  

So, yes to everything you've said yes, everything you've said.

There's so much to say about this. Everything is energy and I want you to think about it, like music. There is certain music that's harmonious and certain music that when you hear it would make you run for the hills, and you would stir you up, you would absolutely feel worse. Well, you have a field of energy that's actually the, the physicists and in the National Institute of Health, they describe it as if it surrounds your body. I actually see it as an extension of the body, it's not like you're separate from your energy field, but the physical body is a more dense, slow vibration which is why it's physical and you can see it and touch it. It's a certain slow vibration, but the more subtle the vibration, the more invisible it becomes, and your field goes out extends way beyond your physical edge of your skin. And it's like having. It's open to everything that you're experiencing, people, places, things with invisible electromagnetic frequencies. It's open to thoughts and ideas that you can't see and touch, but you're taking it in all the time. 

Your field is like a recording device and it's recorded everything and is recording everything that you experience. Much of that you're not aware is even having an impact on you, especially when you were a young child. Now, all thoughts, and all emotions are a form of subtle energy, you can't see your thoughts, you can't hold on to your emotions, but they’re as real as electricity, and you know if you go over and flip that light switch the lights are coming on and there's real power there, your thoughts and your emotions are as if not more powerful, and they're going on 24/7 as well as everybody else's, and they're having an impact. 

So, thoughts and emotions, think of them as they are a vibrational frequency, think of that as music, certain music is coming at you all day long, and how is that affecting you. So you asked about why does it feel so good. Well when you see a friend when you, for example, somebody, you know, have you ever met someone that immediately you just like the person? You feel good about the person. That's what's known in physics as a resonance, vibrational resonance. You are vibrating, resonating on a similar frequency, and it feels good, it feels harmonious. Or maybe they have a frequency that actually uplifts you, makes you feel better than the vibration you were at. In either case, there's a simpatico and it feels good to you. 

And on the other hand, I bet you you and all the listeners at some point you've perhaps walked into someone's home, open the door and went, Oh my God, what's going on in here and you found people fighting arguing, something negative going on where you could feel it instantly, or people tell the clients I work with tell me all the time. Why is it so and so I just think drain me I feel drained when I'm with them, because our energies being affected constantly, by the people, places, the environments that we are soaking in is what I call it, whether you're conscious of it or not, your energies being affected by that. 

And it's all via this field. What happens in the field communicates with the body and the body is the last place that anything shows up. This is the missing key. There's actually quite a bit of science around the energy field and what they've shown is that, in fact, this field when it was first classified in physics. It was coined the term information field from the Latin word informed era, because they discovered the field was informing the body. The field was informing the body there's a two way communication, and everything that's entering through the field is informing the body so for example, if you or someone around you is constantly thinking or saying, you'll never amount to anything, you'll never heal. You're, you're just you don't even deserve to be here. You don't deserve, like those thoughts that vibration is affecting your physicality. And if you are around a certain vibrational frequency long enough. I can guarantee you it will show up as something physical either a symptom of pain, a pattern in your life that's undesirable and uncomfortable, and can even be deadly. 

And so this is what's really happening, we are constantly having an interaction with life with people, with the environment that we're in, it's been happening since before we were born. I work with a lot of people who later on as they work with me discover they were in the womb, where you're really one with your mother. That environment impacted the emotional nature they came in with even some of the ideas about life. They had trauma because the mother had trauma, and they were connected and imprinting that vibration,

Ericka Thomas  21:32  

So are you. Let me just clarify. Are you saying that when we've physically feel something painful or some sort of dysfunction is coming up in the body. Is that coming from the energy outside the body in is that, is that what this theory is or is it, I mean, because people do have disease I mean there is actual disease, are we talking about having that come from the outside in, or.

Debora Wayne  22:10  

So, the symptoms of disease and pain are never the root cause of the problem, that's what needs to be clarified. We live in a world that focuses on. Where does it hurt. Where is the symptom. The symptom is never the root cause. The symptom is the result, There's a precursor before it ever becomes physical, you can see from very sophisticated equipment, that there are disturbances in the energy field first, and the field over time, shows up as the physical and the field is being impacted by everything and everyone around us and our own thoughts and emotions. Now most of our own thoughts and emotions came from early childhood until we examine them. We got them from somewhere we were conditioned, like a computer with no virus protection and we just took all the files in.And the environment we grew up in typically determines how things are going to turn out later in life, depending on the interpretation we gave it. 

And most people are not taught to examine their thoughts to look at their beliefs to even ask, is this true? Is this helping me? A very, very, very few people are ever taught to allow their full emotional expression to come up and to learn how to find where they're storing the emotional energy and submerging it. Most people deny, suppress and repress their emotions and emotions are energy and they're supposed to be in motion, but they don't get to release they go underground, because we're taught Oh unprofessional don't bring those emotions here. Oh, big boys don't cry. Oh, smile and if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. So we learn to suppress our full emotional expression. And this is more detrimental to our health than probably anything. So, it comes from outside, and it comes from within, both. 

There is a communication with ourselves to ourselves, and from others to ourselves. And until we become very aware of how this works and how to examine it and how to throw out what is not helping us and release the disturbances, it will have an impact, especially if it's repeated it's the repetition it's key. It's not that one person said one thing to you. That was negative or harmful, it's that there's a repetition of ideas of emotional climate then goes on, that causes stress when there's an inner conflict about it. Or literally, we're not safe, there's violence, abuse, neglect, something like that, when we're not safe. We know we're not safe the brains wired to instinctually go danger Red Alert, we tense up. We stress up, and we're, we don't, it affects the physical body like that until we resolve it and many people never resolve it, even decades later, after the dangerous thought. The Red Alert became their normal. So there's, it's not a simple one size fits all answer everyone's case is different, but it's a great question, but it's both from without and from within. So,

Ericka Thomas  25:40  

how does that. Let's say that trauma to the energy field which is kind of how I what I hear you, describing, how does that amplify chronic pain, or any other symptom that's going on in the body?

Debora Wayne  26:01  

Yeah, it actually becomes, pain, pain. So, our system is designed in a natural state, to feel pretty much ease and comfort. And we have an inner guidance system that will show us when there's danger and when we're out of alignment with what's good for us. So, there's a reframing of pain that I need to share with everyone and that is that we live in a world and in a conventional way of health. It looks at pain as the bad, evil villain that we want to stop. We want to stop and suppress that symptom. I come from a completely different viewpoint. 

Pain is your friend, pain has a message in it for you and your body is a gigantic feedback machine. And until you learn to listen to the message, learn what your body's trying desperately to tell you, if you ignore, suppress, repress and deny, that's what's going to guarantee the pain gets stuck and increases. 

So the key is to learn that the pain is there for a higher purpose, and to learn what it's trying to show you to either say or not say do or not do turn left, turn right, not to just try to stop it or cut it out or drag it out. This is the problem.

Ericka Thomas  27:30  

So, how do you work with that biofield to kind of let go of some of those things.

Debora Wayne  27:38  

Yeah, this is what's been the greatest passion of my life. I discovered how to scan the field like an MRI machine. I would be so sensitive over time and training. I became aware that I can scan this field, even at a distance, anywhere in the world, even for groups of people. And I can feel where the disturbances are, and I can change the vibration and restore harmony. 

Coherency is known in physics coherent waves, which are harm, feels harmonious and it changes the vibratory rate of the field and when you change the vibration, the disturbance frequencies can't hold their form and they drop out of the field.They literally cease to exist, which is why many people have instantaneous healing. 

So for example, sometimes people can use this example to wrap their minds around it. If you take a bacteria that requires a damp, hot climate to thrive in, and you put it in the freezer. It will cease to exist. You're changing the environment it needs, and everything has a particular vibration of frequency that it needs in order to survive to exist. So I helped change the vibrational field to a state of higher consciousness of non pain consciousness, a different vibration where the pain doesn't exist. The symptoms don't exist. And then anything that was there prior just can't, it ceases to hold its form and it changes. It's gone. 

And sometimes that happens instantly, and sometimes it happens a little more gradually but overall is still much higher speed than anything else out there, so usually within a short time, people who have been trying for decades to get rid of things like fibromyalgia pain or arthritis or headaches or digestive drama or God, so many people come to me with thyroid issues or all types of pain, I mean, every type of pain under the sun. People come with seizures and wow so many things from you know pain to diseases that are chronic and in a short time, without taking anything, without giving up all the foods you love changes. And it's all based on me helping them examine the thoughts, examine the emotions, learn how to release what's harmful to you, and then I do the work in the energy field and when you put those three ingredients together. That's the magic bullet right there.

Ericka Thomas  30:35  

So is this something that I think I hear you saying that for some people, one session, they would feel relief, is this something that is long lasting like you do this once and it's fixed forever, or, or is it something that you have to repeat on a regular basis,

Debora Wayne  30:55  

so every case is different. Every person is different. There are many, many people I've worked with hundreds of 1000s of people at this point, there are quite a few people who shockingly enough in one session, everything changes everything. And some of those people hold it permanently Yes. Not everyone, the majority of the  people I have found over the years, there is an average, but there's not a black and white answer for this, so please people do not hear one session is all you need, that's not the case for a lot of people, even if it is.

See most people will have dramatic change right away. The majority of people have changed right away but they won't hold it, and they won't hold it because they have thoughts and emotions that they are literally addicted to. These are habits of thought and habits of emotion that they do not know that they are participating in the very problem they're trying to get rid of. So until I educate them and help them learn how to do the self care to maintain the work that I can speed up and do for you in your field. But you have to maintain this by really learning how to release the damaging thoughts and the emotions. And this I find can happen quickly if someone's really willing to learn, usually people within a month, two months, they're transformed into a different person. 

The energy healing, I recommend no less than four sessions, and I found between four sessions and six. It's, it's just remarkable what can happen for the majority of people. Now some people still choose to do more and they want to work with me longer. There's, I like to work with people on average 90 days to really anchor in a deep change. But most of the people I work with within the first week they know something's happening.

Ericka Thomas  32:55  

Yeah, it is fascinating how powerful our thought patterns and belief patterns can be for positive or negative, right, and there's so many, there's, there's a lot of data out there now actually showing some. That Harvard housekeeping study is phenomenal to me, like, I don't know, do you know that study? Where so they said they basically took groups of housekeepers and it, and educated one group on the health benefits of the movement that they were doing as housekeepers. Wow, and the other group was just the control they didn't get the same education and it was only that education that understanding that what they were doing the movement that they were doing through their work was good for them and healthy for them. I mean, it was incredible. The, the, the measurable physiological responses in the body from that alone. Nothing else was changed, they didn't do anything different. So, right, so, but our mind is very very powerful tool for good or bad.

Debora Wayne  34:12  

And what people don't recognize either that I find is so important to know, the mind, the thoughts are actually creating an emotional reaction. And they go together and fit like a glove and what happens then is so the thoughts create an emotional reaction. Most people judge their emotions so they don't want to feel them. But those feelings, then create more thoughts usually worry some fear based thoughts, which sends them back into their head, which creates more emotions which they don't want to feel which sends them back in their head and they go round and round this very destructive revolving door, and you cannot think yourself out of that.

And then they get stuck there wondering, I don't know what to do, I don't know when, how is this ever going to end, what am I going to do, I won't be able to pay the bills. I'm not gonna be able to function and they just get looped into that until they end up taking some kind of drug to shut it off, which then adds a list of side effects and even addiction in worst cases, it's just a really dysfunctional way of trying to relieve the discomfort that thoughts and emotions create in the body, and then the body's feedback is trying to help you, but the majority of people don't have the right proper, the freedom from that, they just end up adding to a list of even possible side effects and more symptoms.

Ericka Thomas  35:41  

This sounds like high speed healing sounds like it's one of those amazing bodywork modalities that you could use all by itself but would also pair very well with pretty much anything else that you're doing healthy for yourself. 

Debora Wayne  36:01  

Yeah, absolutely. Some people really do like bodywork where they're getting physical massage or, you know, myofascial release or something physical. This is incredible with that, yes, I have people doing, or even, I actually have, you know some of my clients have cancer diagnosis they are going through chemo and radiation and they do this along with it as an adjunct, and oftentimes they report saying they, they're not having the typical pain. They're not losing their hair. There's a lot of benefits to doing this, even with conventional medicine. 

So, and then many people come to me after they've done conventional medicine and they go down the natural medical trail, they've done, you know, lots of supplements but they're not sure anything's working. They are afraid to stop taking them usually so they start exploring this at the same time or maybe they've done acupuncture or some other type of alternative, you know, care, and they find that all of a sudden they start getting results when they do the high speed healing so yes it's really beautiful to do alone together it can work any which way that, that feels right and good to the client,

Ericka Thomas  37:21  

right, and we certainly are not saying here that people should just drop all of their prescribed medications or treatments with their doctors or, or that anything can just at the box, cure cancer, and we're not, we're not talking about that right now we are talking about treating pain, releasing pain and becoming more free.

Debora Wayne  37:46  

I wouldn’t call it treating pain, quite frankly, I'm not a medical doctor. I don't claim to be, I don't diagnose, treat symptoms, cure anything. I never recommend nutrition or drugs of any kind, I would never tell anyone to stop. They must consult their practitioner.

 However, this is a completely different understanding about how health and healing works. So if someone, even skeptics,  you don't have to believe in what I'm saying, you just have to be willing to experience what I'm offering. 

And if you are, you're going to either know that now you don't need and you'll go to your doctor and they'll test you and they'll say, Wow, you don't need this anymore, we need to lower the dose. You're going to know when something has shifted and isn't, and you don't need it anymore. You're going to find that things will change, not because I told you to change them, not because you just want to try it, but because it's truly you don't need it anymore. 

Yeah, I'm not here to give any medical advice, I want to make that very clear. You need to do, what brings you peace and a lot of people need and feel better with a doctor's opinion and medical testing and I'm for all of that, you do whatever, but I have also a lot of people who are, they've already tried all that and it hasn't been helpful so they don't want to go that path, and they just want to do something really out of the box. Which isn't really out of the box, it's just unfamiliar to most people.

There's, you know, the National Institute of Health is the one that coined the term biofield, which is referring to this field around our body. They studied it back in the 80s. This is one tiny drop of the research that's been done. There's quite a lot of incredible research in biofield science and studies galore and white papers galore and you mentioned something very important.

5000 years in the yoga tradition alone, which is talking, exactly, about the subtle energy bodies, which is what the biofield is, what the energy field is.This is both new and ancient wisdom. There are many cultures indigenous cultures who have talked about the lifeforce energy, the Spirit, the Chi, the prana, this is not new.

It's just that in the last 100 years, science and allopathic medicine became God. And we really rely heavily most heavily on it, that the majority of the people do, and that's okay I'm not here to bash it. My brother, father, cousins are all doctors. It's just that you'll hit a wall of limitation with that, if you're only looking at the body and the symptoms. So I've been blessed to have more reveal.

Ericka Thomas

I love what you just said that was amazing. Thank you. Thank you. All right, Deborah. So, what can someone expect to experience in a high speed healing session.

Debora Wayne

There's a wide range of what happens, everything from this small minority of people will say, didn't feel a thing, didn't notice a thing. And those are the people that typically are highly analytical thinkers. They don't meditate, they don't take quiet time, they're not aware of information internally, they're not used to focusing on that so there's from that end of the spectrum to the people that say oh my god that was so relaxing. My mind is never quiet and it was totally quiet there. 

Many people often, the first thing they notice is they sleep for the first time in years through the night like a baby. That's often the first thing I hear, then you have a wide range, everything from wow, I came into the session with neck pain, back pain, I don't feel it anymore. I had a frozen shoulder now I can raise my arm, my stomach doesn't hurt. I feel my headache gone, my visions coming back, and you hear things like that, all the way to.

I've been in pain for 30 years, Deborah from head to toe and it's completely gone.

You want there's a wide range and everyone's different. And somewhere along that spectrum, but it can start as early as that very first session so on, I'd say the very least, is people say well that felt relaxing, and the very most people said, Oh, my God. It's all gone.

Ericka Thomas  4:36  

Yeah, that would be, that would be life changing, right, 

Debora Wayne  4:40  

it really is for, for most people. Over the course of that first month, it is completely life changing. I've seen people with severe eating disorders, throwing up, binge eating till they were just sick and ruining their intestines, never do it again. Never... just stop. 

I had one woman I'll never forget because three weeks into my program she said Deborah I woke up today and I realized I have not binged in three weeks, and it happened so easily and effortlessly, I didn't even realize it. She forgot to tell me. I've had that happen with back pain with all kinds of debilitating pain. I've seen some people with terrible digestive disorders, where they couldn't eat a thing, and they were throwing up all the time nothing showing up on medical tests, nothing, and they go back to eating everything including junk food but you didn't hear me say that, and they end up just perfectly normal again.

I've had people who couldn't walk, who, for example, had multiple sclerosis or in a wheelchair, get up and walk 2 people in the very first session stood up and walked. It's, I still pinch myself, believe me it's really incredible. I've seen paralysis after surgery, where nothing showed up on test, they didn't know what to do. I've seen all that feeling come back, the movement come back, with strength come back. See, tumors,cysts completely disappear on an MRI, they see it, it's gone.Vision come back.

Ericka Thomas  6:23  

It's, that's incredible. It really is, those, those things are incredible, for sure. Do you have to be in person, with, with some not seeing people in person?

Debora Wayne

Six years ago I was prepared for this time. On our planet, I work only virtually unless I'm speaking at a live event but only virtually the past six years, and I can work with individuals, which I do, I take a handful of very urgent cases individually but mostly I work with groups of an unlimited size, but everyone gets individual results, and this again is one of the real unique factors about this work is that even if you're in a group, you will get what's right for you, a different result than the person right next to you or in another city or state or country. I've worked with people in 163 countries to date. Most of them I've never even spoken to that. That is amazing. That is amazing.

It’s all vibrational resonance, it is all physics as you pointed out, it literally is a resonance with the frequencies that I bring in that they need and it's, it, it has nothing to do with time and space. It's known as the non correlated the non local field of correlation, it's non local, it is not here.

Debora Wayne  7:44  

It is interconnection of everyone, everywhere all the time, omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence, that's what it is. 

Ericka Thomas  7:55  

Wow. Yeah. So individuals do individual people have their own biofield resonance. Are we all different,

Debora Wayne  8:06  

and you'd have a unique field, but we're also part of a lot we're also in a gigantic field that we all are connected and interconnected. 

Think of it like the internet. We all have different providers that we can connect to one gigantic internet, all of us no matter what your provider. And you will also resonate with other people who have a similar field vibration. That's why people end up in certain cities, people end up in certain neighborhoods. You notice how people dress alike sound alike look alike their, you know, their similarities because they're resonating. You have you ever noticed how couples that have been married a long time actually start to look like each other. Yes, their fields merge, also pets. you’ll  resonate with certain pets, absolutely I noticed that all the time. There's a vibrational resonance, everything is vibrational and you're either repelled, or attracted. And it works in both directions, You're either repelled or attracted.

And this is why people end up with each other, and why they end up repeating patterns that they swear they're never going to never going to do that again, never going to date that type of person again I've never experienced that type of work again and there it is again. Even symptoms, there's a vibrational resonance and if you don't clear the root disturbance. You will keep repeating the pattern, because you'll be it's familiar to you and you'll say, Oh, that feels like home. Yeah, safe, it feels safe, even if it's not safe at switch. Yeah.

Ericka Thomas  9:54  

Yeah. Wow, okay, so what about people who don't necessarily have something really wrong with them. Oh yeah, great question. I love this question. Here's where it gets really good. So, once you clear enough out or you just don't have trauma or pain.

Debora Wayne  10:15  

This helps you access a deep state of intuition, what we might call the superconscious mind or divine mind or God or the galaxy, the galactic information, the universal life force, it's everywhere present, and people start to notice an activation in their creativity, their productivity, their focus, their memory. 

I have had more clients do things like start to paint, out of nowhere they get up the next day they have the urge to paint or work with ceramics or do something artistic, it activates a part of the right side of the brain is gets turned on, and that's your creativity or emotional state, your feeling or more relaxation response. And so people start to, I've had people get ideas for books and businesses and inventions and have really dramatic, interesting, what I would call a multi dimensional experience.

Now, currently there's a real trend for people doing plant medicine and psychedelic drugs to have a spiritual experience or gain deep personal awareness. This will do this, do that for some people but without any chance of harmful effects, without the need for a drug, it will help stimulate the centers of the brain that are the higher centers, the pineal gland in the areas where we can really open up the awareness that was limited before. 

I think what's happening and I'm going to go hopefully this year back into a research lab with some brain equipment, to see what we can measure. But I think what's happening is it's activating dormant DNA. And it's I'm certain it's activating the right side of the brain, which is why people start to see imagery, they their dreams, literally almost everybody their dreams start to become lucid and they learn from their dreams and they're discovered that their dreams are teaching them things, and they get their creativity ignited and their intuition. Even people who say, I don't even believe in that they start to understand and experience what intuition is so it's a lot of fun when you are in pain and in with symptoms of disease to use this, that it actually sounds like a lot of fun,

really is, yeah, that's, people more aware there's so much more going on in the physical body you said earlier, we are so much more than just our thoughts, our emotions and our body. We're not that we are our thoughts or our emotions or our body. We people get identified with all of that, but we are much more than that. We are an incredible field of energy and information and vibration we are an awareness, a state of consciousness that is far beyond the limitations of a physical human body. 

Ericka Thomas  13:28  

Absolutely, absolutely. That's fantastic. Okay, so, would you be willing to do a little demonstration of high speed healing, I think that we are ready to try this out. So, I will turn the floor over to you just explain, whatever we need to do and hopefully no one is driving, I don't know if that matters but driving

Debora Wayne  13:55  

 if you're watching this, if you're driving either pull over or turn it off and come back to it later. Most people will drop into a very relaxed state, but you don't want to do it if you're driving, operating equipment, machinery, chopping celery in the kitchen. Don't do it. I've never had any harm come to anyone but we want to prevent anything. Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah.

All right, so first of all I want you to know it's usually just very relaxing. So I want you to find a place where you can either lie down on your back, which is the ideal way to do it. If not, if you're in a wheelchair or you can only be sitting, no problem. Just get as comfortable as you can sitting or lying down. I want you to close your eyes if you would please be sure to turn your phone off so because any alarms or sounds that go off will seem louder. So you don't want to feel startled, which happens a lot. 

So, as you close your eyes, I'm going to be giving you some instructions and explaining a couple things while I guide you into the experience. First of all, just know that I have no control over you, and you will be able to stop at any time if for some reason you're uncomfortable or you don't want to continue.

You are always in charge, but as you begin to notice your breathing. I'd like you to just take a soft breath in through your nose, and then let out a big sigh out of your mouth and let go of everything that we've been talking about.

They want you to pay attention to your breathing. You should breathe in again, big sigh out and feel yourself relaxing. Every time you sigh of the mouth, notice how that helps you to relax and feel the weight of your body just sinking down into the chair, or the cushions beneath you.

And just feel your body melting like butter on a hot summer day.

Now continue breathing normally like you just regularly normally breathe in and out through your nose.

And as you listen to the sound of my voice. I want you to remember two things. So let me do all the work. There's nothing for you to do.

Do not try to help me or make anything happen.

You don't need to clear your mind. You may notice your mind getting busy, that's okay.

There's nothing for you to change, nothing to stop, nothing to fix or figure out.

I want you to begin to observe everything in anything that you notice inside you or around your body, and let it be there without trying to stop it, change it, fix it, or figure it out, let it be there.

I also want you to remember to let your body move. If you have the urge to move in any way at any time let yourself move where if your body starts moving involuntarily on its own, let that happen. Some people move a lot.

And other people don't move an eyelash. And there's no right or wrong.

But let yourself move in any way, at any time.

As you observe your inner experience, you may begin to notice that even with your eyes close, you start to see something like colors, shapes, images, just notice that even if it makes no sense.

You may or may not notice sounds coming from inside you.

Voices Words Music tones, just noticed that, if you hear them.  

There's no right or wrong.

You may notice some kind of sensations, either in your body or around your body, notice them. If you have them. It's very common to notice pressure in the head. So the Healing frequencies, the contrast to your normal. So if you feel that pressure or headachy feeling. There's no need for concern. Just breathe and do your best to relax and it will integrate usually quickly.  

You may notice the temperature changing.

It may get hot or cold, or both.

So relax your beautiful mind.

Notice what you notice, and do nothing about it. Now we're going to take one full minute and complete silence, I'll be right here continuing to work with you. And when it's time to come back, you'll hear my voice, and you'll know. Just breathe, let your body move up, observe what's happening even if nothing's happening, by the way, that's okay to wear if you think you're imagining things and making it up, that's okay, just notice that you're thinking that you cannot do it wrong. So here we go. Just one minute of silence, and then you'll hear my voice to come BACK. 

Now, very very slowly now become aware of the sound of my voice, and all the sounds around you, and begin now. Deep in your breathing. 

Feel yourself becoming more and more awake and aware and staying very very relaxed. 

Take a deep long breath in and out now. 

Feel yourself more aware and awake and alert. As you take another deep breath in and out. Begin to wiggle your fingers and toes. 

Take one more deep breath come all the way back, wide awake and alert. Slowly, gently take your time, and open your eyes. Let the light come back in. 

So you want to get up very very slowly because oftentimes people don't realize that you've been as deep as you've gone so go slowly. Don't just sit up. Make sure you sit and stand before you move around, and you may want to write down what you experienced.

I mentioned the pressure in the head. That and nausea, are the number one and two signs that people are perceiving and receiving the Healing frequencies, and they feel the vibration and it can appear as pressure, usually in the head, or sometimes even nausea. I'm curious what you noticed

Ericka Thomas  25:26  

right away I noticed heat like before you even said, and it was just this ball of heat, right in front of my heart, which dissipated, towards the end. And then I also noticed that pressure too, um, it was really interesting because I don't usually have any sinus issues. But I did feel it was kind of like the mask, you know like when you're, it's like the mask on the face and then literally moved underneath my cheekbones just on the right side, and I, I practice trauma release exercise I'm a trauma release provider, and a lot of the, the tremor that comes up in my body is centered around my face and head and jaw, and a lot of this fascial release underneath the skin kind of happens around my neck, head and neck and jaw, as well. And so it felt it really was reminiscent of that although we did not even touched into the tremor like I could see how that might happen for people that, that,

Debora Wayne  26:51  

see that you're describing, some people literally undulate flip and flop with or shake vibrate 

Ericka Thomas  27:01  

It’s that neurogenic tremor that comes directly from that brainstem when you're, when you're tapping in there with that energy but sometimes it can feel very weird you know you have, kind of, it's almost like a crawling sensation.

Debora Wayne  27:16  

Oh, it's interesting you say that because most people do exactly what you just did and they don't know why but they start going like this on their cheek, they're feeling an internal releasing of that. Probably the fascia, but where the trauma is starting to come up and they're feeling the vibration, and they, that's exactly what they do.

Ericka Thomas  27:36  

Right and and it's, yeah and and it makes sense right because so much of our tension often we're like, oh, we can't say what we, what we want to say, or we do or don't feel free to say that yeah,

Debora Wayne  27:51  

yeah, I watch people's mouths, you know, those that chattering teeth. Yes, involuntary movement of the mouth, it starts to release what's been clenched exactly decades in many cases,

yeah, exactly. There's an unwinding of the head and neck and so they're not doing it. It's as if it's happening to them. And it starts moving the head from side to side just unwinding, all of this starts to come up, some people literally though they are just, I've seen everything under the sun from really dramatic movement to what you're describing, which is this, scratching, migration, very.

Ericka Thomas  28:33  

Yeah, that's fascinating and I will let you know if I have the best sleep of my life tonight for sure. I can use, I could use one of those nights of sleep

Debora Wayne  28:51  

to everybody out there, that more can happen after the session than during even from a short demo. The vibration gets started, but it's still going to process so I really want everyone to make sure you listen to your body the next 24 hours. 

It is important that you listen if you feel really tired right now. Go lay down, if you can because you're not cake is still baking and so you want to go right back into it. Notice, later on or that you feel you know some of the similar things that you felt during the session. You're getting another wave and another round of healing happens to some people, it goes on for days. And so people get super energized, it can even feel like a speeding up of the heart. Don't be alarmed by that but don't overdo it to try to make up for lost time. You're still integrating different vibration it's faster than you're used to perking you up. So just take it easy. Let the next 24 hours be listening. And just know a lot more can still happen even for a short demo like that.

Ericka Thomas  30:01  

And that, that makes sense though too because we're all in a different place everyone comes into that, from a different place a different vibration of energy themselves so some people might be very very low and need to come up and other people might be, you know, way up here, and need to come back down so that to me makes complete sense

Debora Wayne  30:22  

where people talk about raising their vibration, not everyone needs the higher rates are overstimulated and need to come down so

Ericka Thomas  30:31  

many of us are overstimulated, so many of us and that is our normal. We think that we need more because we think that's normal. And it's not the case at all. Yeah, so glad you get that thank you. Yeah, I only know because I've been there, that's. Oh my goodness. 

So tell me, Deborah, if you have a little bit more time, about your, your Chronic Pain Institute, and a little bit. I'd love to share a little bit more about that. What do you do there. And if you could, I am curious about whether this is something only you can do or if other people can provide this service or, or if practitioners can actually do it for themselves at some time, at some point.

Debora Wayne  31:26  

So the institution is still virtual at this time. However, I have been training practitioners virtually for quite a number of years now, so yes that's at the institute there. There are services where you can work with me privately or in my group program I have sort of an entry level called the high speed healing universe which is where I teach and it's kind of a stick your toe in the in the shallow end, if you're new to all this and you want to like what is she talking about you want to learn more and you want to experience the healing. But it's not the advanced work that is my pain free living program. 

Many people come to me and they join a group program for really deep work that still happens in rapid timeframe, but they can't take everyone individually and plus, I've discovered that the group program actually will move people faster many times, because other they learn from other people in the group they discover things that didn't even know about themselves, it would take longer to come up privately. So people come for services, and they come for training, and I've trained almost 300 practitioners to date. All virtually over zoom just like this, people from all over the world, and that you anyone can learn to do this anyone. 

I have trained an eight year old boy, stay at home mom, secretaries, athletic coaches, accountants, medical doctors, nurses, massage therapists, every type of health and fitness and yoga teacher instructor, but everyone can learn to do this, and it's a very experiential training. And I personally feel this is the future, that of self care and health, where I envision a world where someone in every household will be able to do this and use it as a first choice, not a last resort. So that if your kids are sick, if somebody is needing, you know,  had an injury, we would go to this first to save time to speed up the healing to maybe even resolve it. Before we go running to the ER to get drugs. And that's what's been happening with the people who have been trained and quite remarkable. The results so some people are trained and they already have a private practice. Other people want to begin at some kind of a practice so people don't want to do anything with it professionally, which is fine, they just want to use it for their kids and their families, their loved ones. That's really a beautiful, you know goal of mine and everyone would have access to this in some way and it wouldn't be strange and unfamiliar any longer, it just is normal, like it would be if you, you know, call the doctor.

Ericka Thomas  34:18  

Right, right. So, how do people learn more, where would they go, where, where should we send them if they want to learn more about you, Deborah, about the Chronic Pain Institute, about how to work with you. Where, where should we send them,

Debora Wayne  34:36  

Please go to And when you go there, I also have a free gift for everybody. There's a copy of my best selling a book that you will find where you can download to any device it's a digital version if you want the high new touch and underlying I'll have to go to Amazon, but at the you can download a copy of the book, you'll also receive an invitation.

 I do certain live free calls periodically and you'll be invited to those. And I would just love to any questions you have, you can look around there's things to explore and read and videos and things but there's a place where you can even fill out a form and tell me a little about what's going on with you and get my recommendations or ask me questions. So feel free to reach out, I'm there for you. I want to make this available to the entire world. So I look forward to connecting and I thank you, Ericka so much for helping me get the word out about this

Ericka Thomas  35:38  

you're welcome! This has been a great conversation, and I was on that website I crawled all over it. And there's some great stuff there I hope people will check it out, all of that information will be in the show notes, so we'll have links in there for you to get you straight over there to the website and to Debora, thank you very much Debora I really really appreciate your time this has been a fantastic conversation I learned so much.

Debora Wayne  36:06  

Thank you so much. It's been a real pleasure to meet you. 

Ericka Thomas  36:09  

What a fascinating concept that we can actually touch into our own energy from the outside in and adjust our own vibrational frequency, it's fascinating. It's always interesting to me to hear other ways that people are using to find healing for themselves. And I just think it is incredible that there's so much out there that is really beyond what our eyes can see, that can still have such a profound and powerful effect on healing. 

Thank you so much for joining me today on The Work IN. And if you like what you heard today, or if you're interested in learning a little bit more about some other ways that you can bring healing into your own life, into your own body, into your own mind and into your own spirit, head over to and you'll find the show notes from today's episode, as well as links to everything that Debora shared today. I hope to see you next time on The Work IN.

Transcribed by


I’m Ericka

I’m a certified trauma release exercise provider, 200 RYT with an emphasis in trauma informed yoga, Health coach and nutrition specialist. In addition to my online studio classes, resilience courses and private sessions, I host a podcast called The Work IN to bring new perspectives on wellness and find natural ways to move out of stress, tension and anxiety.

I would love to work with you!

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