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How to balance mood and mental health through physical health

We might be in an adapted or more accurately a maladapted state. In other words your nervous system, brain and body have conspired to keep you safe and help you survive based on your experiences in the world. And because the brain lives in a dark cave and only has memories to make decisions with, it doesn’t always make the best choices. The only choices it gives you are fight, flight or freeze. And those can end up looking like anxiety, hypervigilance and depression. How can we balance these perfectly rational moods for better mental, physical and emotional health?

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Mental Health, Post Traumatic Growth Ericka Thomas Mental Health, Post Traumatic Growth Ericka Thomas

Post Traumatic Growth: Finding a peaceful, playful and purposeful life with Gina Rolkowski

Nobody wants to admit they're traumatized because especially by people, they trusted to love them and empower them, keep them safe, blah, blah, blah, right? That I mean, that is horrible. That's a horrible, horrible thing to think the people who I needed to love me just didn't even give a right is about me to the point that they were hurting me, right. That's horrible. And I think that when we that being so awful, often prevents people from admitting like you know, what, maybe this is related to the fact that, you know, I had this horrible upbringing,..

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mental health, Stress Relief, healing Ericka Thomas mental health, Stress Relief, healing Ericka Thomas

EFT: Tapping into Emotional Freedom w/ Melanie Yates

Melanie is a certified EFT therapist with a multi modal approach and years of practice in health care. Melanie takes her knowledge, experience love and light and successfully mentors others. She has coached hundreds into a world of self fulfillment and freedom. She helps clients who feel stuck, find ways out of darkness and bondage by incorporating simple but effective practices that create neural pathways to positivity and happiness. She specializes in difficult challenges, including PTSD, addiction, depression and anxiety. Melanie is a best selling author of the book happy, joyous and free, as well as a sought after inspirational speaker. 

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The Biofield: Connecting energy and healing w/ Debora Wayne

Deborah Wayne is the founder and CEO of the International Chronic Pain Institute. She's a world renowned energy healer, who's leading edge non drug method known as high speed healing has virtually helped 10s of 1000s around the world to rapidly release, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, trauma, battles with weight binge eating, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and other chronic conditions.

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nutrition, diet, stress Ericka Thomas nutrition, diet, stress Ericka Thomas

What is Healthy? Who’s guiding you?

What you’ll find throughout this podcast are ways to improve overall health and wellbeing in 3 basic categories, physical, mental and emotional, and how those things connect with the health of our nervous system and stress response. That seems like such a simple thing to do. And Maybe it would be if it weren’t for the fact that no one really knows what being healthy really means.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Freeze: The many faces of overwhelm

The Freeze state is part of the parasympathetic side of our nervous system. It can be a little confusing because social engagement and calm also is parasympathetic and we think of freeze as bad and social engagement as good. So today we’re going to work IN to the freeze state and talk about what it is, what it’s purpose is, what it looks like and feels like in humans and how we can safely move out of that state if we find ourselves stuck there.

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