Welcome to The Work IN!
Accountability and Entrepreneurship in Wellness with Renee Reid
I had to really work on my own thinking of how I saw myself. So, seeing myself, not as an employee. But as the head of, you know this company at one. Right, yeah that's that I didn't expect that I thought okay you, I have the experience, the knowledge, the education. This is going to be a breeze, and it wasn’t.
EFT: Tapping into Emotional Freedom w/ Melanie Yates
Melanie is a certified EFT therapist with a multi modal approach and years of practice in health care. Melanie takes her knowledge, experience love and light and successfully mentors others. She has coached hundreds into a world of self fulfillment and freedom. She helps clients who feel stuck, find ways out of darkness and bondage by incorporating simple but effective practices that create neural pathways to positivity and happiness. She specializes in difficult challenges, including PTSD, addiction, depression and anxiety. Melanie is a best selling author of the book happy, joyous and free, as well as a sought after inspirational speaker.
The Biofield: Connecting energy and healing w/ Debora Wayne
Deborah Wayne is the founder and CEO of the International Chronic Pain Institute. She's a world renowned energy healer, who's leading edge non drug method known as high speed healing has virtually helped 10s of 1000s around the world to rapidly release, chronic pain, depression, anxiety, trauma, battles with weight binge eating, chronic fatigue, insomnia, and other chronic conditions.
The path to Freedom though food, fitness, & mindset
you know food fitness and mindset and once you can get your act together in those three areas, you are on the path to freedom and I think at the core we all want freedom, and have your health is a huge freedom
Yoga Snacks: Snack on movement all day long
Even when you can’t get to the gym for that HIIT class or your favorite 90 minute vinyasa, you can still snack on movement throughout your day every day.
Hope & Healing part 2: A mother’s road to recovery
Part 2 of my interview with parent coach Brenda Zane, we discuss therapy Al-anon, The craft system. And then, of course, her community, this stream, and how that community is helping moms of teens in and out of active substance abuse in amazing and powerful ways. So let's get started with our work in today.