Welcome to The Work IN!
Raise the bar: Holding Space
When we are looking to raise the bar for both ourselves and our students we have to start somewhere. And today's work IN we’re going to get into the nitty gritty, boots on the ground for how to integrate gold standard instructor skills that are so simple but they’ll take your craft to the next level, make you more comfortable in your own skin and inoculate you against the dreaded imposter syndrome. These are things you can apply to pretty much any area of your life where you come into contact with other human beings.
That skill is holding space. What does that mean? Safety, Predictability, Agency, Communication, Energy…
Raise the bar: Becoming the best of the best
For coaches it is really easy to get that certification and then just ride it for a while. And if you’re not careful the ever changing world of wellness will leave you behind. Science changes, health recommendations changes, people and society change. And what it means for you to be a good coach changes. And all those things are important because you never know who will be standing in front of you at any given time. And if you’re not big on self awareness and you haven’t cultivated any understanding of human nature, communication skills or holding space you risk your students.
Resilience: Physical fitness for your nervous system
We can't remove all of the challenges, all of the triggers that we could possibly come into contact with simply to make ourselves feel more resilient because resilience isn't about being calm all the time. Resilience is about rising to the challenge whatever it is, and then coming back to our calm. And if we want to get better at doing that, then we need to practice doing that.