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Taming the money lion: Emotions and money behavior with Dennis Harhalakis

If we can change our beliefs about our own value, then we can change those beliefs industry wide. We can shift out of thinking about our skills as a hobby job and taking ourselves more seriously as fitness business professionals. addressing our money behaviors goes beyond simply setting up a spreadsheet or hiring a bookkeeper to do our taxes. My guest today is going to help us go deep into money mindset to stop sabotaging our own success. Dennis Harhalakis is a certified money coach and the founder of Cambridge money coaching.

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Communicating permission, exploration and play in pain care and trauma with Colleen Jorgensen

Colleen Jorgensen returns to The Work IN!

Colleen is a brilliant compassionate instructor who loves teaching and offers many courses, workshops and teacher trainings and embodied anatomy, somatic movement and compassionate creative pain care. And that's why I thought she would be a fantastic resource for us on the work in for today's conversation, because we're taking a deep dive into communication, specifically how instructors communicate, but not just instructors also on the student side, how we can help our clients and students receive that communication. The thing to remember here is that we might not know that we're working with someone who's experienced trauma or who is in chronic pain.

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Burnout, Creativity, trauma informed, Communication Ericka Thomas Burnout, Creativity, trauma informed, Communication Ericka Thomas

3 Keys to take fit pro’s from good to great

Just because something feels easy to you does not mean that everyone can do it. You are unique in your particular zone of genius. Even though there are many, many people out there that teach what you teach, that are a coach of what you are a coach of that provide services the way you provide services, but they don't do it exactly like you because you are an individual and what you bring to the table. What feels easy to you does not feel easy to everyone else, and that's why they're going to hire you.

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