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4 things to focus on for diet free nutrition

Today I thought we’d take a look at 4 areas of nutrition to focus so we don’t actually have to diet. If we can get these 4 things dialed in we never have to diet again. They kill cravings, balance metabolism, help shed excess weight, correct insulin and leptin resistance, maintain muscle and bone mass, balance energy throughout the day and help us sleep better which in turn improves our stress response, cognition and memory. Pretty much all the good things. But it sounds too good to be true doesn’t it?

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Challenge yourself for change

Here we are in Season 4 of The Work IN. Happy New Year everyone! This year is fresh and new and as I often do I’m looking back over the last year. What worked and what could have been better? What do I want to keep and what can I let go? What needs to change? I learned so much in 2023. There are things I know I’m outgrowing for sure. There’s a lot that I want to keep. One of the things that I love doing is this podcast. I thought I’d take today and share my personal health challenge for 2024 and what you can expect this season.

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Fitness Industry, Gut Health, Mental Health Ericka Thomas Fitness Industry, Gut Health, Mental Health Ericka Thomas

How to eat for resilience and mental health

What can I eat that will lower stress? I got this question once in a nutrition presentation. My answer at the time was “nothing legal” But what this person really wanted was what we all want when we’re uncomfortable in our own skin. A quick fix. Lower stress really just means better resilience from the inside out. The truth is double edged. No, there's not one thing you can eat to lower stress. But yes there are lots of things. AND how you eat matters. Today we’ll look at how appetite and hunger are connected to the nervous system and stress response. And some ways you can eat that will calm you from the inside out.

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