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Weight loss and wellness lies

They say women are excellent multitaskers. That’s a lie. What we’re really good at is overriding our body and nervous system to the point of exhaustion and suffering through undernourishment. There is no multitasking in diet and exercise. You can’t run yourself into the ground without rest and balanced nutrition and get stronger. Skinny and healthy aren’t the same thing. Today on The Work IN we’re talking about some of those weight loss lies and how to start working with the body so we can feel safe, strong and confident in our own skin.

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4 things to focus on for diet free nutrition

Today I thought we’d take a look at 4 areas of nutrition to focus so we don’t actually have to diet. If we can get these 4 things dialed in we never have to diet again. They kill cravings, balance metabolism, help shed excess weight, correct insulin and leptin resistance, maintain muscle and bone mass, balance energy throughout the day and help us sleep better which in turn improves our stress response, cognition and memory. Pretty much all the good things. But it sounds too good to be true doesn’t it?

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Challenge yourself for change

Here we are in Season 4 of The Work IN. Happy New Year everyone! This year is fresh and new and as I often do I’m looking back over the last year. What worked and what could have been better? What do I want to keep and what can I let go? What needs to change? I learned so much in 2023. There are things I know I’m outgrowing for sure. There’s a lot that I want to keep. One of the things that I love doing is this podcast. I thought I’d take today and share my personal health challenge for 2024 and what you can expect this season.

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Fitness Industry, Nutrition, Food as medicine Ericka Thomas Fitness Industry, Nutrition, Food as medicine Ericka Thomas

A different look at supplements: Optimal health in and out of the bottle

Ideally we would all get everything our body needs to function optimally from real, whole food. Theoretically if we did that then we wouldn’t need to count calories. Or even watch portion sizes because the body has built in on and off switches for our appetite and is brilliantly designed to find the perfect energy balance. Sadly I think we can all agree that the standard American diet is deficient on many levels.

Our modern life of convenient hyper palatable food consumption has disrupted that delicate balance and led to food addiction, gut dysfunction and metabolic disease. Today, the lack of nutrition awareness and just basic general activity in modern life and you see most people deficient in many micro nutrients, using food as therapy on some level and desperate for a quick fix to fill in the gaps. That’s where supplements come in.

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How to filter the click bait fads out of your diet

The fitness industry is notorious for fads. Fad equipment, Fad formats and especially fad diets and supplements. Each one with claims that this will finally be the thing that will give you the results you have been searching for. Even if nothing you’ve tried has worked before, THIS will. Every few years there’s new science, new understanding, new technology, new supplements and it can be as overwhelming for fitness professionals as it is for our clients. So how do we filter and curate that information in meaningful ways and stay within our scope of practice.

That’s our Work IN today. And we’re going to start with the diet piece.

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