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Success is not an accident: Profitability pitfalls and strategy for fit pros with Dr. Lance Knaub

I know how overwhelming all those things that are business related are for fitness professionals in the wellness space, we get a lot of confusing messaging around getting paid for what we do. And there's a lot to know. as independent contractors, we get very little support from our certifying agencies to begin with, as far as the business side of things and that can lead to trying to do all things and be all things to all of our people. That is a recipe for burnout, no matter what your business is.

So there's lots and lots to discuss here and my guest today has a lot of experience and wisdom to share with us. Dr. Lance Knaub is a best selling author of the book, The 4% breakthrough, and he helps entrepreneurs with six figure businesses to avoid overwhelm and burnout and instead create a life they love while they're scaling by developing a leadership team and creating a self sufficient business that is an asset. Lance founded breakthrough physical therapy and fitness which is now operated by a fearless leadership team.

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