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business coaching, mental health Ericka Thomas business coaching, mental health Ericka Thomas

Growing Out of the Box with Career Coach and Therapist Liz Pessaran

Liz is a licensed therapist, life coach, and a speaker who helps people around the world let go of what they should do, and embrace what they feel connected to ultimately thriving in their purpose. She helps folks walk away from their unfulfilled jobs and lifestyles and step into their dream career and cultivate the life they've always desired. With nearly a decade of counseling experience. Liz utilizes her unique skill set to guide women to tap into their deep soul, so they can shatter the box of limited belief and embrace their inner magic.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

The path to Freedom though food, fitness, & mindset

you know food fitness and mindset and once you can get your act together in those three areas, you are on the path to freedom and I think at the core we all want freedom, and have your health is a huge freedom

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

The Real Cost of Freedom

All of our health choices carry a cost. The cost of neglecting the health of our body, whether it’s unconscious neglect or intentionally choosing to ignore healthier options goes beyond the inevitable chronic disease. That cost goes directly to your freedom.

The difference comes in when you pay the cost and when you reap the benefits of those choices.

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nutrition, diet, stress Ericka Thomas nutrition, diet, stress Ericka Thomas

What is Healthy? Who’s guiding you?

What you’ll find throughout this podcast are ways to improve overall health and wellbeing in 3 basic categories, physical, mental and emotional, and how those things connect with the health of our nervous system and stress response. That seems like such a simple thing to do. And Maybe it would be if it weren’t for the fact that no one really knows what being healthy really means.

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