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There’s no trick to resilience

There is NO trick to unlocking resilience. No one skill or tool or practice will guarantee that you will never be overwhelmed by stress or trauma. We can’t trick our body’s survival system. And I don’t think we want to even though people try all the time.

There are 3 things that make something feel stressful or traumatic to your nervous system. And you can apply these to situations, relationships, memories, thoughts or injuries, pretty much any experience you’ve had long or short term, present, past or future. Isolation, uncertainty and lack of control. It could be any one of those things or any combination of them.

The good news is that knowing those three components of stress and trauma, we can customize our own behavior to build the kind of unshakeable resilience that so many people are looking for.

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Trauma Release and Yoga with Dear Lovely Universe

Episode 38, and 39 of the work in our, a beautiful collaboration between myself and Kailyn Vu from Dear Lovely Universe. We decided to get a little creative and swap hosts for each of our podcasts. So today you're going to hear Kaelin, interviewing me about trauma release exercise and yoga, about the connection between the nervous system and our health, about how we can better nourish ourselves, body, mind and spirit. It's a great conversation.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

The path to Freedom though food, fitness, & mindset

you know food fitness and mindset and once you can get your act together in those three areas, you are on the path to freedom and I think at the core we all want freedom, and have your health is a huge freedom

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

4 Reasons Yoga Works for Depression & Anxiety

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is the leading cause of disability in the U.S. for ages 15 to 44.3. Nearly half of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with anxiety disorder as well. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the US affecting over 40 million people while only 35% of those seek treatment. An even more disturbing statistic is 25% of children are affected. Today I want to highlight 4 things that are baked into a yoga practice that make it a highly effective tool beyond “regular” exercise for relieving depressive symptoms and anxiety.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Connections Part 4: Invisibility of chronic pain and trauma

When you live with chronic pain, there is nothing about your life that is not affected when you live with chronic pain. And that is an aspect that the people around you can't quite understand so it's difficult to share the experience. You know, one of the most challenging things I think for most people is their sense of identity their sense of self often the things that they did that they identified with as being them, are things that they are no longer able to do and then you have this whole identity crisis moment of figuring out well who am I?

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Connections: Part 1 Chronic pain and the nervous system

The overarching theme throughout our discussion was connection, making, keeping and healing connections throughout the body and the nervous system. In this four part series, we're going to explore those connections between chronic pain, the nervous system. Integrating movement and breath and finding new ways to befriend our body and fully experience life. This is part one of our connection series, chronic pain and the nervous system. Please welcome my guest. Colleen Jorgensen.

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