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Herd of Unicorns

I’m always careful when I teach to direct awareness to the muscle connection in poses, to give permission and freedom for students to feel whatever it is they feel. Maybe it’s because I always used yoga as a crosstrain or maybe because I came to it from the fitness side, but I want my students to understand some of what the body is naturally designed to do. To understand how to work with it rather than fighting to put it into shapes that are more performative than practical. 

To me these are not unicorn traits.

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Goal setting v. intentions: Flex and flow for lasting success

What used to be a common practice, setting new year's resolutions, has really fallen out of favor becoming yet another casualty of our cultures black & white thinking. So I’d like to offer an alternative for this year with the caveat that while it’s great to think about new goals at the beginning of the new year it’s also important to remember that we can update them anytime. We can make intentional changes and choices anytime in your personal and professional life. And I’d argue that we should if we want to continue to grow and change for the better. Without those conscious changes, at some point we start to stagnate.

So I’d like to introduce you to the concept of flex and flow…

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Making money your freedom, safety and female empowerment with Sandy Connery

Our guest today is Sandy Connery. She is the co founder of marvelous software, soulful, MBA and connectable dot biz software after an amazing 20 year career in footwear, and gait analysis, Sandy sold her million dollar brick and mortar retail business and clinic and she now brings her business experience to the online space where she loves to create community, teach and inspire other women to find the freedom and impact they desire.

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Mindset madness: Shameless self promotion

For some reason there’s a cultural archetype of sales people that they are in some way sleazy, or duplicitous and manipulative. That in order to sell something you need to trick people into buying it. And it’s even worse if you’re selling a service in the wellness industry.

Today I’d like to explore some of the reasons why women in the fitness and wellness space have such a hard time marketing and promoting themselves and how to reframe your thinking and break out of the “shame” of self promotion to step into the spotlight.

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Mindset madness: Money, energy and self sabotage

Mindset madness: Money, energy and self sabotage - How your money beliefs can sabotage your success before you even get started. Pricing your offerings so that people want to pay you!

Money mindset is the subconscious saboteur of solopreneurs everywhere. It doesn’t matter how passionate you are about what you have to offer, how good you are at what you do, or how incredible your product is. If you can’t ask for money in exchange for it you’re going to struggle as a business.

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Mindset madness: Curating your circle of support

Mindset marination: Curating your circle of support. Today's episode is about paying attention to what you are soaking in from the people around you and how to use mastermind communities to leverage knowledge, support and success without getting sucked down the rabbit holes of fear and tech distraction.

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