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Reclaiming your health and resilience: Part 2 - Movement

Today is part 2 of our reclaim your health and resilience series …

Movement of all kinds is a powerful influencer on all aspects of our health including of course our mighty nervous system. The reason of course is because all movement is accepted by the nervous system as a kind of challenge. And practice rising to that challenge in relative safety like with purposeful movement or exercise builds resilience across all bio-psycho-social-spiritual connections.

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Mental Health, Movement, Gratitude Ericka Thomas Mental Health, Movement, Gratitude Ericka Thomas

Moving with Gratitude for Mental Health with Paris Prynkiewicz

Part of my mission here on the work IN is to help equip fitness professionals with a bigger awareness of the overlap between physical and mental health so they can take their wellness beyond what the eyes can see. Not just so they can serve their health conscious clients better and level up their coaching skills but also so they can take care of themselves better.

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