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The Sleep Sex Stress Connection

Everything we do during the day can affect how we sleep from what we eat and drink to when we eat and drink, when and how we exercise, whether or not we get outside to the temperature of the room and the state of our sex life. But today I want to talk about something different in relation to sleep, sex and stress. And that’s our perception of safety.

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Stress and resilience in leadership and corporate culture with Jodi Woelkerling

One of the reasons why leadership is so important for them to develop their own resilience is they as a leader probably have more influence on that dynamic between between team members than anybody else. The phrase that I often use is leaders set the tone. So that's in a couple of ways. They set an example. And they set a almost like a status quo of what's kind of the norm. So if you've got a leader who is very stressed, direct directly or indirectly in some of the way that he's going to be affecting the rest of the team.

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