Welcome to The Work IN!

Integrating holistic health and nurse coaching with Taylor Byrer

Taylor Byrer is a holistic nurse coach and owner of Byrer Integrative Wellness . She is a former ICU nurse who after suffering from burnout for years, shifted to travel nurse and finally left the ICU to be a post surgical recovery nurse in an attempt to try to escape chronic stress and physical dysfunction in her body.

She was forced to take a step back and truly listen to her body. During the process of healing herself through many different modalities, Taylor discovered integrative wellness coaching. Her background and experience as an ICU nurse, journey of self healing and her passion for serving others has given her a unique perspective and mission of advocacy for her clients helping them become their own best advocate.

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Hope & Healing part 2: A mother’s road to recovery

Part 2 of my interview with parent coach Brenda Zane, we discuss therapy Al-anon, The craft system. And then, of course, her community, this stream, and how that community is helping moms of teens in and out of active substance abuse in amazing and powerful ways. So let's get started with our work in today. 

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Stress Relief Ericka Thomas Stress Relief Ericka Thomas

Wrap Up Resilience: building a buffer to stress

You’re the special order, life is the delivery truck and resilience is the bubble wrap. It’s there to cushion the blow, not to prevent the blow. The stronger your resilience, the thicker that buffer around you, the easier it is for you to recover from being kicked around the back of a truck or tossed on the front porch.

If this year has taught us one thing it’s that we need to learn to handle stress better. And we could all use a thicker layer of that bubble wrap.

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Top 3 sources of stress: What’s your favorite flavor?

Building resilience, increasing our ability to handle difficult things, should be a priority in preventative healthcare. There are simple ways that we can lessen the burden that physical, chemical & emotional stress places on the body and make significant improvements to our overall health beyond simply feeling less stressed.  

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