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Mindset madness: Curating your circle of support

Mindset marination: Curating your circle of support. Today's episode is about paying attention to what you are soaking in from the people around you and how to use mastermind communities to leverage knowledge, support and success without getting sucked down the rabbit holes of fear and tech distraction.

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Mindset madness: Squirrel! Shiny objects and how to create boundaries that support a burnout proof work life balance

Entrepreneurs in any business but especially bootstrappers like so many of us are in the fitness industry, need to be careful of falling down the rabbit holes of distraction (like shiny objects) that are secretly procrastination in disguise.

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Mindset madness: Shed the “should”

The biggest question entrepreneurs face is what is it that I’m going to offer and who am I offering it to? You can’t know that until you really know who you are and what you stand for.

So how do you figure that out?

First you need to shed all of those “shoulds” that you bump up against in your core beliefs exercise

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Mindset madness: An introduction

Mindset madness!

I think any time you attach the word business to something it kind of sucks the joy out of it. It takes a strong mind to stick with anything after the shine wears off. A big part of success is getting out of your own head and out of your own way. Mindset can make or break you.

That's what this next series of episodes is going to address. Think of the next 6 weeks as a masterclass on mindset madness. We’re going to be touching on 5 different mindset issues that transcend pretty much every business niche but seem especially sticky for female entrepreneurs especially in the wellness space. I’ll share some of my own experience with my business demons: failure, distractions, procrastination, perfectionism, money and the rabbit holes of technology.

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How to maximize your credibility with continuing education

They say that if you're not growing, you may as well be dying. As harsh as that sounds it may be true. Especially when it comes to continuing education in the wellness space. Health, fitness, wellness, nutrition, medicine, mindset; all of those fields are constantly changing. We learn new things every day about the body that we live in and it takes time for that new understanding to filter out into the general population. Fitness and wellness professionals are a big part of how that information gets out. But only if we make an effort to go and collect it, curate it and then translate it to our peeps. And in that process we can influence the health and wellbeing of our people in powerful ways while still staying within our scope of practice. One of the ways we can do that is through continuing education.

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Success is not an accident: Profitability pitfalls and strategy for fit pros with Dr. Lance Knaub

I know how overwhelming all those things that are business related are for fitness professionals in the wellness space, we get a lot of confusing messaging around getting paid for what we do. And there's a lot to know. as independent contractors, we get very little support from our certifying agencies to begin with, as far as the business side of things and that can lead to trying to do all things and be all things to all of our people. That is a recipe for burnout, no matter what your business is.

So there's lots and lots to discuss here and my guest today has a lot of experience and wisdom to share with us. Dr. Lance Knaub is a best selling author of the book, The 4% breakthrough, and he helps entrepreneurs with six figure businesses to avoid overwhelm and burnout and instead create a life they love while they're scaling by developing a leadership team and creating a self sufficient business that is an asset. Lance founded breakthrough physical therapy and fitness which is now operated by a fearless leadership team.

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