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Sugar addicts holiday survival guide

Today let’s limit our discussion to how the stress and obligations of this time of year can affect our exercise and nutrition patterns. Here are 3 ways we can use awareness, boundaries and connection to help maintain a healthy balance with movement, nutrition and sleep through the holidays even for sugar addicts like me. 

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Decision fatigue: how to develop systems and processes to make progress

The process of setting up a new business gives you an opportunity to create, test and set up systems, policies and organization to lighten the decision making load and save you time. If we can do it in our business we can do it in our personal life. And we should.

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How to balance mood and mental health through physical health

We might be in an adapted or more accurately a maladapted state. In other words your nervous system, brain and body have conspired to keep you safe and help you survive based on your experiences in the world. And because the brain lives in a dark cave and only has memories to make decisions with, it doesn’t always make the best choices. The only choices it gives you are fight, flight or freeze. And those can end up looking like anxiety, hypervigilance and depression. How can we balance these perfectly rational moods for better mental, physical and emotional health?

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Beware the trickle down health economy

all fit pros have an opportunity and a responsibility to have a meaningful impact on the lives of the people we work with by helping to translate health science into real world application. We can do this within our scope of practice simply by staying current on emerging health science.

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