Coaching is a cult of mediocrity unless and until you can harness your courage, creativity and collaboration.

- Ericka Thomas


Coaching cult of mediocrity

Today I’m talking about coaching. When I say coach I’m talking about anyone who educates others about anything. From preschool to post doc, little league to pro athlete, boutique studios to big box gyms, school counselors to corporate consultants. Coaching of any kind is a business of change making and you can make it big or you can make it small and everything in between. But without courage, creativity and collaboration you can get lost in that cult of mediocrity filled with all the weight loss gurus, self love sisters and money making motivators out there.

Now before you clutch your pearls and get your panties in a twist, I’m not saying that any of those categories of coaching lack value. What I am saying is that they only scratch the surface when it comes to what’s possible, when it comes to real life changing influence because most of them aren’t saying anything new. That is what keeps those folks small. In the same way that social media has become a void of real thought in its pursuit of thought leadership, coaching space is also becoming a void, filled with mediocre messaging about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and wellbeing.A literal land of mimics and mimes acting out the status quo of preapproved ideas in a space that should be exploding with creative individuality if for no other reason than all human beings are unique and we claim to be here to help other human beings.

I struggled as a personal trainer because I felt that the way coaches were taught to coach, through active listening and asking open ended questions in the hopes that the client would discover the answer on their own and then miraculously be inspired to change their behavior forever and live happily ever after was kind of stupid. When I’m a client I want action. I want accountability. Give me something of value that I didn’t know before. Tell me something new. Tell me what I need to do. I don’t have time to be manipulated down a road that I can’t see the end of. 

Now I know I’m probably breaking all kinds of coaching code here but there’s a reason that some coaches, teachers, trainers and consultants stand above the rest. Because they do things a little differently.

They’ve broken out of the coaching cult of mediocrity. You can do that too, and here’s how…

5 Ways to break out of coaching mediocrity

  1. Grow a backbone. Speak the truth as you know it. What are you passionate about? Are you the most diverse yoga school? Are you the fired up veterans coach? Are you all about preventing Type 2 diabetes? Are you drawn to working with at risk kids? What’s your thing?  Figure that out and stand up for it. Shout it from the mountain top.You will become a beacon for the people who need you and what you have to offer the most. You can’t do that without the courage to be seen.

  2. Be an acquired taste. Not everyone is going to like you and not everyone has to. See # 1. Just like a fine wine there’s a lot that has gone into who you are. Far more than that little piece of paper that says you're certified to coach x y z.  The entirety of your experience and education is the stuff that legends and legacy is made from. So don’t be afraid to dig deep and use it. This is how you set yourself apart from every other coach. 

  3. Open a channel to inspiration. The fastest way to do this is to have conversations with people. Collaborate. Follow people with different opinions than you. Read. Listen to people you admire. Let as many ideas in as possible and let them marinate with your own experience. There’s no such thing as origination. It’s all been done before. All creativity is a combination, it’s collaboration in many different ways. What we think of as original ideas are simply a lot of old things combined in new ways. 

  4. Jump in. Don’t wait. For anyone or anything. Don’t wait for permission or for someone to tell you know enough or that you’re ready to do this or that or the other thing in your business or with your life. Especially when it comes to putting yourself out there into the world. I am telling you right now, if the idea has come into your mind then you already have what it takes to make it happen. It might be messy and feel awkward. You might fail. Good. Failing is good. That’s how you learn. And you will have that much more to add to your story. 

  5. Cast the vision. The hard part about coaching, as in parenting, is that you can’t do it for them. You can’t want it more than them. They have to do the work to get the results. But you can tell them the truth. You can give them options. Just like a guide post at a fork in the road or the wise wizard in a hero's journey you can point the way. Part of that skill is casting the vision. For some you might be the example of what they want to achieve. But not always, sometimes you might need to help them create that vision for themselves. It’s that vision that draws clients forward, not how many reps and sets you count. It’s that vision that fuels motivation when something doesn’t go according to plan. Great coaches can hold that vision and reflect it back until clients can hold it on their own.

In case you didn’t know, the thing about the coaching industry especially on the fitness and wellness side is that there is a lot of turnover. And it’s no wonder. There’s a lot of people that get into this space. And that can look like a lot of competition. But is it? Is it really competition if everyone is doing and saying the same things? What there isn’t a lot of is guidance once you get that coveted certification. 

How do you get started? Should you stay independent? Where do I find clients? Do you need a website? How do I handle marketing? Do you have to use social media? How do you make a living?

There’s no substitution for experience in any coaching career. So what do you do when you have none? When you’re starting from ground zero? That’s when you need your own coach the most to help you set your foundation. Crafting your unique story and messaging. Building your audience and following.  Setting burnout proof business boundaries that let you grow and earn the kind of income that lets you live the way you want without compromise. All of that goes far beyond your certification and are things that coaching can help you with.

I’m opening a new cohort for my Clarity collaboration coaching program for new wellness entrepreneurs who want to hit the ground running in their business. This is a one year program that includes monthly 1:1 sessions as well as back pocket coaching, bespoke website design, copywriting and social media marketing support. That’s right, I said bespoke. Simple website done for you along with step by step training to take the reins and run with it.

This was exactly what I wanted and needed when I first started in the fitness industry. Sadly none of this existed back then. We were still using cd’s and boomboxes and communicating through cave paintings.  

The good news is, you don’t have to struggle like that. You are surrounded by coaches and mentors who are hopefully willing and able to give you a leg up if you want it. Probably. Unless they’re all in the same boat you are. And if that’s the case there is a solution. You don’t have to fall victim to the churn ( the endless turn over) in that cult of coaching mediocrity. You can set yourself apart with courage, creativity and collaboration. Become the coach every client wants to work with. The coach that other coaches aspire to be. You already have what it takes but if you want more support I’d love to be your coach. The quickest way to make that happen is to book a call with me directly.  The link will be in the show notes at or go to and book a call from there.

Can’t wait to work with you!


Hey there!

I’m your host Ericka Thomas. I'm a resilience coach and fit-preneur offering an authentic, actionable realistic approach to personal and professional balance for coaches in any format.

Savage Grace Coaching is all about bringing resilience and burnout recovery. Especially for overwhelmed entrepreneurs, creators and coaches in the fitness industry.

Schedule a free consultation call to see if my brand of actionable accountability is right for you and your business.


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