Shake Off Anxiety in 2 Weeks

Perhaps you’ve felt it? Debilitating fear, anxiety, panic that comes out of nowhere and knocks you sideways. The people around you can’t understand it and you can’t explain it or rationalize it. Once you’re in the middle of it you can’t talk yourself out of it. You live in fear of the feeling of fear because you’re not exactly sure where it’s coming from.

That’s where Sarah was before she discovered trauma release exercise and the power of the tremor mechanism. I sat down with her to find out more about how TRE changed her life. This is Sarah’s story.

Shake off anxiety in 2 weeks

What was it like for you before you started trauma release exercise and how has it affected you?

Before I started TRE I definitely was feeling pretty high up on that stress scale. I found that I was mentally, physically, emotionally, reaching those places on that scale where you don't want to be.  I was trying other methods for my anxiety that just didn't seem to be as helpful. For me at least, they were harder to get myself to do and I wasn't feeling the rewards of it. And so, Trauma Release Exercise really just opened my mind, I was really curious. 

I have some PTSD from an event earlier in my life and this has been my way of letting go of some of those anxieties, whether it's physically, mentally or emotionally.  I feel like I've gotten to really reconnect with my body in a healthy way. 

I used to fear things even like a headache or stomach ache. TRE has even helped me with those little things. [Learning that it’s] just my body telling me “hey I ate something weird”.  I've really seen the connection. After I do a session or after my week of my consecutive sessions. I feel like my fear or my anxiety has just turned down. I'm not as stressed and I'm not getting anxious. And I can truly feel like I've had a release mentally, physically and emotionally. I feel as if they're at healthy levels.

Can you describe what a typical week was like for you before you started practicing trauma release exercise?

 I've always thought that a hard workout is the best. And that's how we get the most rewarding benefit so that's how I'm gonna feel better. So, I was playing with some different workouts, and trying to do some meditation. And I was seeing a couple doctors, getting some ideas, getting some tools that could help me. But, honestly, I got to a point where I was very tired of trying. I felt a little bit alone. I felt like nothing was really helping and I don't just want to rely on medication or anything like that. And when I started doing trauma release with how easy it is to do and to fit into your schedule, just really, really was amazing.

How long were you struggling with anxiety before you found Trauma Release Exercise?

It feels like I've struggled with anxiety for my whole life but probably the past 10 years. Then I'd say the three months maybe even six months prior to starting TRE, I was in a really, really rough place especially, mentally.  I needed what I think now is that release.  I needed something to truly help me. To excite me. Every time I come down to the mat the experience has been different. And now I'm seeing all these takeaways.

The first thought that comes to mind after one session is that I feel relaxed. And then the word that comes to my mind after maybe a week of three to four days of TRE I feel renewed. And then overall I'm shining, my mental health, my physical health, my emotional health I feel rewarded

It's been a really neat journey. I can finally let go of some fear and to trust my body, and to realize that my body is on my side. It's not working against me, it's working with me. It’s been pretty incredible. 

How quickly did you really start to feel the results?

I would say it took me the solid two weeks that I worked with you one on one to really notice the results and really getting to understand the process and the steps and getting me to that point where I was able to eventually start on my own. I felt like after that, probably that two week, time and the true dedication to a couple times a week. 

The first time I actually felt it was after one of our classes where you can get emotional when your muscles are released in different ways, I had happy tears. That was the first moment I knew that I found my niche. 

What would you tell someone who was curious about trying trauma release, but really didn't know anything about it? 

Number one, I would say Ericka is amazing, and she's wonderful to work with.

But I'll be completely honest, those first couple sessions are a little weird. But it's actually fun to just see how it happens.  I remember us giggling a few times and I was asking questions like “is that supposed to happen?” 

I would tell them to just truly don't give up and trust the process. Give it maybe two or three weeks, and two or three times a week. I actually wrote this down after my first TRE experience with you.  I said “my mind, my body and my heart feel so happy.” So I would just encourage them to try. And sharing some honesty that hey, there are some things about it that are new, it's different, but it works.

Have you found it difficult to continue to practice on your own?

I have, only in the sense that I love practicing TRE one on one or with other people. I've done group sessions with you and it is neat to hear how the process works with other people. The community part of it is intriguing to me, and I'm a big fan of community and doing things with groups. Doing it on my own has been a little hard.  

There's a couple days I'll maybe slack in a week and say “oh I'm feeling good this week or that'll come later in the week.”  When I go too long between sessions I'll feel sometimes kind of like a runner feels- like they need to go run. I have to get down on the mat. I can feel myself needing it. My body keeps me in check.

Trauma Release Exercise is a series of exercises that tap into your body’s natural tremor mechanism. They were designed by Dr. David Berceli and are easy to learn and practice for anyone anywhere.  They offer a simple accessible way to shake off stress tension anxiety or trauma without having to retell your story. That’s why they’re an integral part of Shifted, my signature course.  TRE empowers students to reconnect with the body, reset the nervous system and find safety in their own skin.

Ericka Thomas Owner/Founder of Elemental Kinetics LLC

Hi There!

My name is Ericka Thomas and I’m a Certified TRE® Provider, Trauma informed Yoga instructor and Health Coach. I believe in the human capacity for connection and transformation that goes beyond what the eyes can see.

I help people just like you shake off stress, anxiety & tension to find balance between real health and real life and I’d love to work with you! 

I offer customized corporate packages, individual programs and private sessions.

Copyright © 2021  Elemental Kinetics LLC all rights reserved.


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