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Hope & Healing part 2: A mother’s road to recovery

Part 2 of my interview with parent coach Brenda Zane, we discuss therapy Al-anon, The craft system. And then, of course, her community, this stream, and how that community is helping moms of teens in and out of active substance abuse in amazing and powerful ways. So let's get started with our work in today. 

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Trauma release exercise, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas Trauma release exercise, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas

Trauma Release Exercise: Finding safety in a stressed out world

Donna Phillips is passionate about bringing trauma release exercise to the world as a way to safely self regulate stress tension and trauma. We're going to learn a little bit more about what trauma release exercise is,  what it does for the body, how it can help us connect and reestablish a friendly relationship within ourselves and safely down regulate the nervous system, so that we can really experience our lives to the fullest.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Shake Off Anxiety in 2 Weeks

Perhaps you’ve felt it? Debilitating fear, anxiety, panic that comes out of nowhere and knocks you sideways. The people around you can’t understand it and you can’t explain it or rationalize it. Once you’re in the middle of it you can’t talk yourself out of it. You live in fear of the feeling of fear because you’re not exactly sure where it’s coming from.

That’s where Sarah was before she discovered trauma release exercise and the power of the tremor mechanism. I sat down with her to find out more about how TRE changed her life. This is Sarah’s story.

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Stress Relief Ericka Thomas Stress Relief Ericka Thomas

Wrap Up Resilience: building a buffer to stress

You’re the special order, life is the delivery truck and resilience is the bubble wrap. It’s there to cushion the blow, not to prevent the blow. The stronger your resilience, the thicker that buffer around you, the easier it is for you to recover from being kicked around the back of a truck or tossed on the front porch.

If this year has taught us one thing it’s that we need to learn to handle stress better. And we could all use a thicker layer of that bubble wrap.

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Trauma: Story vs. State

The word trauma...it holds a lot of stigma. When you hear it you might think major injury, assault, catastrophic event, abuse, suffering but underlying all of these is a sense of victim-hood. I used to think (and maybe you did too)that only soldiers experienced trauma. It never occurred to me that as a human being I’m exposed to trauma all the time.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Listen to your body talk

There are consequences to bottling up all of that emotional, mental and physical energy. If you ignore it long enough, at some point it will start to scream. Eventually you find a breaking point and all that suppressed stress starts to overwhelm your system.

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