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Where’s the door

For many of us establishing strong boundaries is an ongoing evolutionary process. I have heard so many clients, mostly women, and colleagues, again mostly women, complain about a lack of boundaries and how they struggle to stick to them. There’s definitely a lot to unpack there for women. We could blame the patriarchy, “good girl” syndrome, people pleasing, codependency, imposter syndrome…really any and all the cultural things out there. But I believe a big part of our problem setting boundaries is actually in our understanding of what a boundary is. And what it should do for us.

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Mindset madness: Curating your circle of support

Mindset marination: Curating your circle of support. Today's episode is about paying attention to what you are soaking in from the people around you and how to use mastermind communities to leverage knowledge, support and success without getting sucked down the rabbit holes of fear and tech distraction.

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Mindset madness: Shed the “should”

The biggest question entrepreneurs face is what is it that I’m going to offer and who am I offering it to? You can’t know that until you really know who you are and what you stand for.

So how do you figure that out?

First you need to shed all of those “shoulds” that you bump up against in your core beliefs exercise

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