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Reclaiming your health and resilience: Part 3 - Nutrition

Today is part 3 of our reclaim your health and resilience series …

You reap the benefits and consequences of everything you do. So that could be work, food, exercise, entertainment, relationships. That’s what this series is all about. Reclaiming your health and resilience is within your control. Everything we do can be a lever. Nutrition is a very powerful lever. Everything you consume becomes a part of you and that makes what you eat a very intimate relationship. But unlike relationships with other people you have complete control of this one.

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Reclaiming your health and resilience: Part 2 - Movement

Today is part 2 of our reclaim your health and resilience series …

Movement of all kinds is a powerful influencer on all aspects of our health including of course our mighty nervous system. The reason of course is because all movement is accepted by the nervous system as a kind of challenge. And practice rising to that challenge in relative safety like with purposeful movement or exercise builds resilience across all bio-psycho-social-spiritual connections.

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Trauma Release and Yoga with Dear Lovely Universe

Episode 38, and 39 of the work in our, a beautiful collaboration between myself and Kailyn Vu from Dear Lovely Universe. We decided to get a little creative and swap hosts for each of our podcasts. So today you're going to hear Kaelin, interviewing me about trauma release exercise and yoga, about the connection between the nervous system and our health, about how we can better nourish ourselves, body, mind and spirit. It's a great conversation.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Check Your Fear Factor: 3 questions to turn any workout into stress relief

Driven individuals with demanding, high stress lifestyles tend to gravitate toward challenging, high intensity types of exercise. Especially if you don’t have a lot of time to spare. Fitness professionals who offer these kinds of classes or training want to “make it worth your time.” So we do the hardest things. We push ourselves to the absolute limit. After all we can rest when we’re dead.  The problem with this Rocky Horror Fitness Show is that while it may burn calories, it also triggers frightening responses in the nervous system, that without attention can lead to long term physical dysfunctions. 

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