Welcome to The Work IN!
Nutrition results that you can live with
So often at the beginning of the year we feel a push change. A push towards healthy eating choices and a pull towards familiar habit patterns. When both happen at the same time we get stuck in the middle. The body is a complicated system of networks and they all communicate and work with each other, pushing and pulling to some kind of balance. Understanding the push and pull can set us up for success or struggle and that’s our Work IN today. We’ll be looking at how we can simplify and personalize our approach to nutrition and nourishment to give us the kind of results we can live with.
Menopause metamorphosis: Sleep + Hot flashes
Today we are talking about sleep and hot flashes. For the past few weeks we’ve been talking about how menopause and perimenopause affects our bones, our muscles, our pelvic floor, our gut, our brain, our metabolism and more and perhaps you’ve already noticed some of the connections between all of these areas. Sleep is one of those integral connections. How we sleep no matter what season of life we’re in is the canary in the coal mine. If we don’t sleep well we don’t function well and it’s an indicator that we aren’t functioning well. In perimenopause and menopause it’s the number one complaint for women. Not that we can’t get to sleep but that we can’t stay asleep. And the culprit is often the dreaded hot flash. What is going on here and what can we do about it? That’s the question for today’s Work IN.
Menopause metamorphosis: Gut health
Today we’re talking about the gut and gut health. We have discussed the importance of the gut microbiome in previous podcasts but never in relation to perimenopause and menopause. And that’s because no one really knew that was a thing until very recently. But it makes sense though since our gut and the biodiversity of the microbiome affects every other aspect of our health why wouldn’t our hormone balance be involved in some way.
The holy grail of diets: Personalize your plate Rx
Today we’re talking about fuel for energy beyond the physical body. How to personalize the prescription on our plate for the best energy and nourishment. Our body is how we interact with the world so it’s important to take care of it. It is our vehicle. When something goes wrong in one system it affects all the other systems. So how can we fuel and nourish it in a way that supports our energy beyond just physical? The question most fit pros get more than any other (myself included) how should I eat? What should I eat? What’s the best diet if I want to get x,y,z? So let’s start our work IN.
Know Nature, Know Yourself: The science of Ayurveda with Mira Katyal
There's also another issue I have found that now we have a flood of information and the information is disconnected and you don't know you're shooting in the dark. Should I drink this juice Should I take that protein shake, should I took a smoothie. So there's nothing behind it which will, unless it's just your personal observation and trial and error, but Ayurveda doesn't have this trial and error, it has a big theory behind it that explains how these things work. So you are not doing random things.
Freedom from the wellness fairytale: Part 2 simplifying food prep with Paula Davis
Today we're going to shift our focus on that conversation and move a little deeper into one of those six foundational elements, and that is this idea of nourishment, through nutrition,…some of the things that Paula recommends can really open up a lot of freedom in how we think about food how we think about nourishment and some of the really practical things that we can do to make it easier to eat healthier for more freedom in our day, more free time, more freedom from food dogma.