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wellness, Burnout Ericka Thomas wellness, Burnout Ericka Thomas

From Burnout to Recovery with Dr. Kate Steiner

Burnout is really characterized by three things beyond the fatigue, feeling emotionally drained feeling overwhelmed. Those pieces are part of burnout. But when you are waking up more days of the week than not, and you feel as though your work is unmanageable or that your work is a burden, or that you have lost the joy and passion that you previously had for your work. You're likely in a state of burnout.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Freeze: The many faces of overwhelm

The Freeze state is part of the parasympathetic side of our nervous system. It can be a little confusing because social engagement and calm also is parasympathetic and we think of freeze as bad and social engagement as good. So today we’re going to work IN to the freeze state and talk about what it is, what it’s purpose is, what it looks like and feels like in humans and how we can safely move out of that state if we find ourselves stuck there.

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