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Trauma informed: What is it and why you should be

Trauma informed. It sounds good but that term isn’t well understood by the general public and has been diluted by the wellness community by click bait, quick buck certifications. There’s an assumption that because yoga is often recommended for ptsd, chronic pain, anxiety and depression that any and all yoga is trauma informed and that is simply not true. Today on The Work IN we’re taking a look at what being trauma informed means, what it looks like in yoga classes and why it’s something that all fit pros should understand. Today's discussion is going to focus on yoga but it applies across the fitness industry to all formats.

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Instructor injury and teaching off the mat

No matter how strong, fit or healthy we all get injuries from time to time. It’s petrifying for fit pros because so many of us are contractors so no work no pay. I don’t know any instructor who hasn’t had to deal with an injury from time to time. Sometimes you have to take time off. But you can take less time off if you know how to teach off the mat. Today on the work IN we’re talking about how to navigate recovery and maybe up our instructor skills along the way.

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How to beat burnout and coaches block

Fit pros are often the ones we go to for inspiration and motivation when we need to refill our energy well. But as coaches and instructors how can we avoid burnout and stay inspired and motivated not only for our clients but for ourselves? Today on the Work IN we’ll be talking about how to beat burnout and coaches' block to reconnect with your creative flow in your fitness business. 3 coaching blocks in particular. Finding rest, finding inspiration, finding direction.

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