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Creating your own Lovely Universe with Kaelin Vu

Kailyn specializes in helping women reclaim their power after trauma. She's a life coach podcaster and life enthusiast, her journey to help others began with her own challenges. And as a result of her life experiences, she experienced very low self worth and self confidence. Now she shares the wisdom that she learned along the way of healing herself with others. Her mission with her podcast and life coaching service is to help as many women as possible. Feel unequivocally empowered to be their authentic selves. By connecting with their own self love.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Connections: Part 1 Chronic pain and the nervous system

The overarching theme throughout our discussion was connection, making, keeping and healing connections throughout the body and the nervous system. In this four part series, we're going to explore those connections between chronic pain, the nervous system. Integrating movement and breath and finding new ways to befriend our body and fully experience life. This is part one of our connection series, chronic pain and the nervous system. Please welcome my guest. Colleen Jorgensen.

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Top 3 sources of stress: What’s your favorite flavor?

Building resilience, increasing our ability to handle difficult things, should be a priority in preventative healthcare. There are simple ways that we can lessen the burden that physical, chemical & emotional stress places on the body and make significant improvements to our overall health beyond simply feeling less stressed.  

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Un-F*ck Yourself: Working through PTSD & the “no cure” medical mindset

“There is no cure for PTSD”. I wonder when it comes to something as complex as post traumatic stress if it’s a “cure” that we really need. Perhaps what we really need is an inoculation. Something that could boost our own natural defenses against the toxic levels of stress in our society today.

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Ericka Thomas Ericka Thomas

Chew on this

Food. Your body is either going to love it, or hate it. And usually it doesn’t take that long for you to feel the difference physically even if we don’t always notice or make the connection.

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