Taking Routine to Ritual: Self Care Simplified

Present Moment Messy Question of the Day



Hey there everyone and welcome to the present moment, messy Question of the day, where we get to take a quick look at current events and cultivate a little bit of curiosity, around our culture of stress. And today I wanted to take a little bit of a deeper dive into something that came up a couple of episodes ago, in our self care as self love interview with Paula Davis. One of the things that stood out to me most in that interview was when Paula talked about un- complicating our self care, and about creating simple rituals that really count as self care, and self love. I wanted to speak today on moving from a routine, taking something that is our normal everyday habit and turning it into a really beautiful self care ritual.

Unknown Speaker 1:09
And as I was thinking about this. I wanted to bring you some simple ways that you could implement some of these things into your everyday routine.

Unknown Speaker 1:24
So, here we go I came up with three different ways to do this. And before we begin on those three different ways. I want you to keep in mind that we are talking about using routines that you are already doing in your day and shifting our intention, around those routines to make them feel more important to give them more intention and attention. So, that means things as simple as how we prepare our morning coffee.

Unknown Speaker 2:14
What we put on our plate for a meal. How we show up in a relationship, any of these things can be any of these things can be transformed from the mundane into the magical first tip to turn, pretty much anything into a ritual is to slow it down.

Unknown Speaker 2:47
And that means, physically, slow down the process of what you are doing. It doesn't mean that you have to take forever to accomplish this thing. It just means that we want to move with a little bit more mindfulness around what we are doing.

Unknown Speaker 3:09
So for example, many of us drink coffee in the morning or tea instead of just rushing to the kitchen to prepare that morning coffee, we would slow down that process, and just be present in our movement. Now, this may only add one or two minutes to your process. But I think for many of us, when we take for granted, what it is that we are doing. That is where we lose, where we lose that magic of the movement and the magic of the moment. It's also a way that we can begin to practice presence in the body in the mind, and in our emotions. And that in itself can really take pretty much anything that we're doing into our ritual form.

Unknown Speaker 4:11
Second tip is to notice the things that you are taking for granted. Now, this is difficult, if you look at everything in your day. But we want to break this down into just one thing. Can you notice where in your day. You are taking something for granted. It might be your lunch. It might be a relationship with a loved one. It might be your job. We all have those things that we just expect to always be there for us. But if we can take a moment and just notice, whether we are taking that one space for granted.

Unknown Speaker 5:04
And then sprinkle it with a little bit of gratitude.

Unknown Speaker 5:10
That is another way that we can create a bit of self care.

Unknown Speaker 5:17
So rather than taking for granted that our spouse or significant other, is always coming home at the same time, and we don't take the moment to pause and grade them anymore because maybe we've been in that relationship for a long time.

Unknown Speaker 5:37
What if, as part of your own self care ritual.

Unknown Speaker 5:43
You made it a point to pause and greet that person with the love and gratitude that you have, but have forgotten or left out of that relationship. Tip number three, for turning a routine and to ritual is all around choice, any choice that you have to make during the day, face that choice with intention and attention, and really ask yourself the question, is this something that serves me many times we make choices without any kind of mindful attachment to the outcome of those choices. And over time, This can lead to a blurring of our boundaries, and really a disconnect between our mind and our body. So, using the first two tips by slowing down by noticing whether or not you're taking something for granted, and then by making an intentional choice with your full attention on that thing.

Unknown Speaker 7:08
We can start to take everyday activities and create a simple self care ritual that can help reestablish this friendly connection within the body, and it doesn't have to take hours out of our day, It is something that can just slip easily and to what we are already doing. And then really improve how we see the world and how we see ourselves.

Unknown Speaker 7:44
So my question of the day, What is it that you need to slow down to look at with intention, and attention to notice, and be present with with gratitude. Give it a try, and I will catch you next time on the work in. Today's present moment messy question of the day is brought to you by kinetic grace, integrating trauma release exercise and yoga, to help you safely shake off stress tension and trauma, no matter where you are. When it's time to stop working out and start working in join kinetic grace, visit elemental kinetics.com. For more information and to try a free class.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

Ericka Thomas Certified TRE provider

I’m Ericka

Owner, Founder, Creator & Coach

Whether your fight is on the frontline or the home front, past or present, personal or professional... chronic stress & stress injury can be a debilitating enemy. 

Join me as we explore natural balanced ways to work through the body to re-establish safety in the body and find recovery for lasting resilience to all sources of stress, tension & anxiety. 

I offer online, on demand private  sessions, courses & memberships for individuals, small groups and corporate clients looking to build resilience and recover from stress injury.

I’d love to work with you!


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