Welcome to The Work IN!

Lifesculpting, change and infinite choices in business

As I look forward to 2023 I’m contemplating what’s next for season 3 of The Work IN and what’s next for me both personally and professionally. Every year I try to learn/do/explore something new as a way to grow and break out of those ruts and samskaras in the mind. It’s not exactly a new year's resolution and not exactly goal setting, not exactly a vision board either but something that falls somewhere in the middle. I have several ideas for 2023. Some of them have already begun. And that has me thinking about change in general and the energy and mindset around it.

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Free Milk and a Cash Cow

One of the most challenging things to do in any wellness business is to price your service. How much is our time worth? What about the space we’re using? How much does that cost? Some of these things can feel so arbitrary and then we’re left with what the going rate is.

How much are other studios charging for similar services? What does the local big box gym charge for their unlimited membership or individual classes? And then there’s all the free stuff that’s available online, on youtube, facebook, instagram and your local car dealership or health fair.How can you compete?

Today I’d like to take a deep dive into leveraging free and how to do it in ways that respect the value of what you do and protect and support the industry. And how to leverage “free” without slipping into the mudslide of exploitation.

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Give up goal setting and find your WHY

Today as I do every year. I want to take a look at setting goals, new year's resolutions, all of those things that we do where we look back at the past year, and then we look forward to the next year and ask ourselves what is it that we want to do differently? And in today's podcast, I want to just put this out there, goal setting and choosing New Year's resolutions is a complete waste of time and I'm going to tell you why.

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