Lifesculpting, change and infinite choices in business

Ericka Thomas resilience and business coach  for begining wellness entreprenuers

You’re the only one who can and should define your success.


Welcome back Today we are celebrating our 100th official episode on The Work IN podcast and it comes at a very good time for me both personally and professionally. First, I want to take a moment and thank all of you who take the time to listen. I literally couldn’t do this without you, and While sometimes it might seem like I’m just talking to hear myself talk, my intention is always to share my perspective in the hope that it helps you in some way. I know some of you are in the fitness world  even if only tangentially and others are simply interested in wellness. Whatever brought you here, whatever it is that drives your work IN  and wellness, I’m happy and grateful that you choose to spend your time with me.

As I look forward to 2023 I’m contemplating what’s next for season 3 of The Work IN and what’s next for me both personally and professionally. Every year I try to learn/do/explore something new as a way to grow and break out of those ruts and samskaras in the mind. It’s not exactly a new year's resolution and not exactly goal setting, not exactly a vision board either but something that falls somewhere in the middle. I have several ideas for 2023. Some of them have already begun. And that has me thinking about change in general and the energy and mindset around it.

First off nothing ever stays the same. Not moment to moment, day to day, week to week, year to year. Even if you try to stay put in your life, same job, same location, same home, things around you will change. If nothing else we age, despite our best efforts not to. It actually takes commitment to stay stagnant. I’ve heard other people say that you’re either growing or dying. That’s harsh. But if you’re not growing what else is there. You commit to growth or you commit to stagnation.

People choose not to grow because they think its hard. But stagnation takes real commitment. I happen to think it’s actually easier to grow than it is to resist the energy of growth. Now that’s not to say that it’s comfortable. Because change of any kind isn’t always comfortable. And some changes can be terrible, negative things. Loss, illness, trauma, divorce, death, destructive acts of god. On the surface there’s a lot of catalysts to change that can be catastrophic in nature. 

I believe that all growth from change is movement toward abundance. And if you don’t choose what that change is, the universe will choose it randomly for you. Sometimes in destructive ways.

Big growth requires you to let go of something first as a catalyst to change. To make room. Maybe that’s a belief, a behavior, a relationship, a job or a way of thinking. It can also be physical things, like clearing out literal space to do something different. Like clearing the laundry off the treadmill, or carving out a spot to garden.

Normally I pick a new skill or fun thing to try at the beginning of the new year and give it a go. But this year I’m at what feels like a crossroads in my business. I’ve been getting a lot of positive feedback to shift into business coaching and writing. I’ve already started to shift my focus in this podcast from the general population to fitness industry professionals. And now it might be time to take that a step further and apply it in a business setting. But I don’t think I want to necessarily offer business coaching. Or no only that.

I’ve been feeling a deep pull to make things. Creativity is one of my core values. I’m a maker at heart. And while I’m happy to coach on everything from burnout to trauma-informed classes to business & mindset, I also want to make something tangible to help new entrepreneurs turn their dreams into reality. I’m an idea person. My strength lies in brainstorming ideas and possible options and letting people take what works for them. It’s hard to navigate the bootstrap business world without a map and a compass.

Anyway, I digress. 

The point I’m trying to make is that sometimes change isn’t necessarily totally different, it’s actually an expansion of what you are already doing. That’s what this moment feels like to me.

Have you ever felt like something was off, but you weren’t quite sure what that thing was or how to fix it? Maybe you felt pulled in a direction but didn’t know why because that idea seemed totally out of the blue. Or you find yourself working hard to talk yourself out of it? Or the opposite, all of a sudden something incredible falls in your lap that you never dreamed you could do before? 

What is your knee jerk response to those things?

Is it a no way? Or Hell yes!

I think what this comes down to is your openness to change. This is 2nd chakra stuff for those of you who are into that kind of energy. 

In the business coaching world you sometimes hear this  question. “Who do you have to be to get the results that you want?”  I’ve always cringed at that question because I happen to really like who I am, not that I couldn’t stand a little improvement but I absolutely hate the concept of fake it till you make it. 

Probably because it’s trite and has connotations with sleezy manipulative sales people and mlm scams.

I think both of those miss the mark when it comes to business success. Because what they’re actually talking about harnessing this wave of abundance energy by changing your expectation of success.  

Fake it till you make it actually means expect success in all things as if it’s already here. It’s like dressing for the job you want, not the job you have, but on the inside of yourself. With your authentic energy, confidence and charisma. That can’t be faked but it does need to be practiced. 

So who do you need to be to be successful? To get results you want? Your most authentic self - multiplied and open to change - magnified and refined - willing and courageous - Because no matter what there is no wrong decision. If you follow your intuition for your business, your personal life,  for whatever and it doesn’t work out or you don’t like the outcome, you can change the decision. And besides you are the only one who can define your success.

You have infinite choices, to make infinite changes to craft and sculpt your most unique and creative life.

That is my intention too. With this podcast, with my business expansion and in my personal life. So in keeping with that intention, I will be taking a brief sabbatical through the holidays as I do some of that sculpting.  Life sculpting if you will.  I look forward to season 3 for The Work IN returning January 2023. Even as I record this all kinds of new topics are bouncing around in my head!

Again thank you all so much for listening and supporting the work in. I’d love to connect with you on social. Follow me on Insta @realsavagegrace and FB @savagegracecoaching and it would be amazing if you could like and share or give me a 5 star review on apple or spotify to help others learn how to stop working out and start working in.


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Thanks for checking out The Work IN! Are you ready to be unshakeable this year?

I spent half my life building my body brand in the fitness industry and now I want to help other seriously stressed fitpros burnout proof their personal and professional lives with integrated trauma sensitive class design that lets you stay confident, creative and compassionate in your scope and format.

Curious how? Click the button to schedule a discovery call today!


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