Welcome to The Work IN!

Lifesculpting, change and infinite choices in business

As I look forward to 2023 I’m contemplating what’s next for season 3 of The Work IN and what’s next for me both personally and professionally. Every year I try to learn/do/explore something new as a way to grow and break out of those ruts and samskaras in the mind. It’s not exactly a new year's resolution and not exactly goal setting, not exactly a vision board either but something that falls somewhere in the middle. I have several ideas for 2023. Some of them have already begun. And that has me thinking about change in general and the energy and mindset around it.

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Life Coaching, Entrepreneur, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas Life Coaching, Entrepreneur, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas

Mental fitness and Mastering your saboteurs with Life Coach Jenny Toh

mental fitness, based on the training that I did with Dr Shirzad Charmine, Positive Intelligence is the, the way you look at life situation from a positive and resilient mindset, as opposed to a negative one. So it doesn't mean that you know you put on a smiley face all the time. No, it’s looking at the situation objectively and seeing what you can glean from it. Yes you have those feelings like grief, anger, anxiety, but then experience those feelings. And after that, be able to take a step back and ask yourself, what is the gift in the situation, what is the learning opportunity here.

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business coaching, mental health Ericka Thomas business coaching, mental health Ericka Thomas

Growing Out of the Box with Career Coach and Therapist Liz Pessaran

Liz is a licensed therapist, life coach, and a speaker who helps people around the world let go of what they should do, and embrace what they feel connected to ultimately thriving in their purpose. She helps folks walk away from their unfulfilled jobs and lifestyles and step into their dream career and cultivate the life they've always desired. With nearly a decade of counseling experience. Liz utilizes her unique skill set to guide women to tap into their deep soul, so they can shatter the box of limited belief and embrace their inner magic.

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