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Entrepreneur, Business Coaching, Social Media Ericka Thomas Entrepreneur, Business Coaching, Social Media Ericka Thomas

3 Social media skills NO ONE needs (and are crippling your business)

I have had a love hate relationship with social media from day one but when you are looking to scale an online business it seems like a necessary evil. I’ve learned some things over the last 4 years though that have given me a little less anxiety and a whole lot more backbone when it comes to using social media as a tool. I’d like to share some of those things with you including 3 specific social media marketing skills that no one needs no matter what business you’re in.

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How to use AI with integrity: Setting professional boundaries

Are you hearing a lot about AI? I am. It seems every other story in the online business has to do with new AI tools. Either how this new tool will revolutionize your business or how it’s the beginning of the end of free thought and creativity. No matter what camp you fall into, AI technology is here to stay and you might want to set some intentional professional boundaries around how or why or if you are going to use it.

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Surviving complex trauma & domestic violence with heart with Agape Garcia

My guest today is Agape Garcia. Agape is a post traumatic growth strategist, a whole life coach and an energy consults certified high performance coach. She has a tenacious attitude towards empowering others. Over the past 35 years, she's navigated through domestic violence, privacy, safety, vulnerability and the mindset to endure personal adverse events in life. Her survival of a double attempted homicide, well, eight months pregnant, and the desperation to survive became the catalyst to the foundation of BYI s which she will explain momentarily, while achieving an undisputed outlook of independence. Agape his personal journey of post traumatic growth has led to dedicating her life and developing transformational programs, various forms of coaching certification courses and establishing a nonprofit to help real time victims with real time resources. Her commitment is to provide lifelong transformational habits that can restore your powerful internal sense of awareness and control. One of her personal statements you don't live anywhere but in your head, is why some of her laser focus teachings are on aligning your mental and emotional belief system. So let's start our work in today with Agape Garcia.

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The myth of safe spaces

I teach people how to hold space as part of trauma informed coaching and instruction. The purpose of holding space in that way is to create enough safety to calm the nervous system. Why would we want to do that? To find common ground, to be able to speak to each other from a place of bi directional tolerance and understanding, to be able to listen to each other, to be able to learn from one another. Notice I didn’t say to always agree with one another. I think it’s ok that we disagree sometimes. But I want to be very clear here. Being trauma informed and following these principles does not mean that you won’t trigger someone or that they won’t get offended. As an instructor or coach (or just a regular person) you can’t be held responsible for anyone else's emotions or experiences. That’s not what trauma informed means. In order to hold space for others and truly be trauma informed you need to create your own internal safe space that is stable and untouchable. A deep calm so that when things go sideways you know which way is up.

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