Three magic words to go from hobby to household name

The real magic, the secret to any business success actually comes behind the scenes through the work you do on yourself to set the stage for your business. Without it you and your message can get lost in confusion and overwhelm.” - Ericka Thomas


3 missing magic words to take your fitness business from hobby to household name

Coaches promise a lot in the wellness, entrepreneur and coaching space. They offer a lot too. Lots of templates, apps, checklists, journals, 90 day programs, etc. All really really helpful stuff that can definitely make your life easier when it comes to business marketing and visibility.

In business as in health it's tempting to look for the magic pill, the one thing, the key to open the floodgates to 6 figure success or financial freedom. But the truth about all that quick fix stuff is that it’s often too many steps ahead to work its magic. The real magic, the secret to any business success actually comes behind the scenes through the work you do on yourself to set the stage for your business. Without it you and your message can get lost in confusion and overwhelm.

There are 3 magic words to remember to set yourself up for success. But before we go through each one and break them down, I’d like to add the caveat that the blanks that you fill in here are not set in stone. You will grow and change in your business journey as a coach and a person so once you have these concepts you can make them your own.

One of the hardest things for female entrepreneurs on the starting block is to get comfortable promoting themselves. Talking about themselves and what they offer. One reason for that besides our cultural conditioning, is because we skip past the time it takes to really figure out who we are and get really clear on it. I know this was one of my mistakes in the beginning and it really slowed things down. I got caught up in a lot of the things I thought I should be doing. The people I should be serving, the words I should be saying. It was easier to skip ahead to the part where you create your QC. To get to know them inside and out. To learn what they wanted out of life, to understand their hopes and dreams. It’s easier because for women it’s so much easier to focus on others than to elevate ourselves.  

Magic word number 1

Clarity. Clarity about who you are and what you want your life to look like. In entrepreneurship and solopreneurship specifically it's your voice…it's all you. And in order to be authentic you need to find your authentic self. So who are you? Who do you want to be in your business, Who do you have to be to reach your goals? This sounds easy. But it takes time to untangle all of the identities that we might have taken on throughout our life. A lot of those things we aren’t even aware of. So give yourself some grace through this process and keep giving yourself that grace.

Let’s face it, we’re all works in progress and you might not be that person yet. But you can be, you will be. But first you need to find that magic word Clarity. You need to discover who you are (without your parents, your past, your significant other, your kids, your education) and get really really clear on it. This understanding is the foundation for everything else. It supports your awareness, your boundaries, and connects you to all your future personal and professional decisions. It gives you conscious control and direction.  

The second Magic word, Craft, takes that clarity and crafts it into your signature offer to the world. Crafting your offer should feel easy. It ideally is something that aligns with who you are and want to be in business. So using your new found clarity as a source you can create something that lights you up. And while crafting what you want to sell and how you want to sell it is always an iterative process, you know you're on the right track when you can’t help but tell everyone you know about it and you don’t care what they think. 

I use the word craft here purposely because it more accurately reflects the process of not just creating something to sell but molding and sculpting it into something that not only serves your clients but also serves you and how you want to show up in the world. Yes it’s about creating what you want to sell but also what you want your life to look like in the process. This is your business, it can be what you want it to be.

The 3rd and final magic word is Cast. Casting the vision is the final bit of magic behind the scenes of success. This is a skill to cultivate. This is how you use your authentic voice to communicate what it is you’re bringing to the world. There are 2 aspects to this and both have layers of self discovery beneath them. First we’re talking about establishing your niche. Important because there are a lot of fitness and wellness coaches in the world. That thought alone can feel paralyzing. But the most important thing to remember is that none of them are YOU. You are unique even if you’re one of 50,000 other people claiming to do what you do. They don’t. Only you do what you do. There is an infinite supply of original ideas in the universe and there’s no need to beg, borrow or steal any of them from anyone else. 

The second is that most likely, if you are just starting off, you might have to educate your audience about what you offer and why they need it. This might feel daunting at first but it’s a good thing because you get to frame the conversations that you want to have. This is why I love beginners in all my classes. Because I get to teach fresh from a clean slate and they don’t have anything to unlearn.

This is also why all three of these magic words need to be some of the first things for new solopreneurs to understand. Clarity, Craft and casting the vision are integral skills in any business but especially in the wellness and fitness industry that’s so rooted in personal relationships. 

So how to begin?

Here are some questions for you to get started. 

Who is the coach that you want to be? What do you want to be known for? What does success look like to you? What do you want your life to look like? How do you like to work? How do you like to communicate? What are you afraid of? What scares you the most about your business? What scares you about money? What scares you about working with people? 

What kind of results will your clients enjoy?

These are just a few of the questions I work through with my clarity coaching clients. And that I’ve personally found helpful. 

Thanks for listening! My original vision for Clarity collaboration coaching has expanded! Sometimes these things take on a life of their own and the fitness industry can feel like a different animal. I’m now accepting year long private mentorship clients to take you from concept to career. This is for new solopreneurs in the wellness space and beyond looking to build a deeper foundation.  The program covers Clarity mindset, setting up digital, social media and email marketing systems, creating your first product and launch, getting paid, and so much more. Basically all the stuff I wish I’d known and what I learned along the way.

Head to and book a call to see if clarity collaboration coaching is right for you!


Hey there!

I’m your host Ericka Thomas. I'm a resilience coach and fit-preneur offering an authentic, actionable realistic approach to personal and professional balance for coaches in any format.

Savage Grace Coaching is all about bringing resilience and burnout recovery. Especially for overwhelmed entrepreneurs, creators and coaches in the fitness industry.

Schedule a free consulttation call to see if my brand of actionable accountability is right for you and your business.


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