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Art and excellence in fitness

We spend a lot of time in the fitness industry learning skills. We learn how to do particular poses and exercises, what order to put them in, what to look for in alignment, how to do calorie calculations or figure out 1 rep max or calculate macros. Anyone can learn those skills. I don’t know that any fit pro would consider what we do art. But maybe we should. There’s a certain level of creativity, artistry, in how we communicate and structure and teach those skills to others. There’s artistry in excellence. Excellence comes through practice and refinement.

Today we’re talking about 3 ways to refine our skills as instructors and coaches for a mindset shift that can transform a hobby into a career.

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Sugar addicts holiday survival guide

Today let’s limit our discussion to how the stress and obligations of this time of year can affect our exercise and nutrition patterns. Here are 3 ways we can use awareness, boundaries and connection to help maintain a healthy balance with movement, nutrition and sleep through the holidays even for sugar addicts like me. 

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The only skill you need

There’s only one skill you need to master if you’re going to succeed in the fitness industry (or any industry really) and it has nothing to do with sets and reps, macros and calorie balance, alignment or movement modifications. You can be an expert in all those things but it means nothing if you can’t safely self regulate your nervous system. Wellness work is based on relationships. Physical, mental and emotional dysregulation is the fastest way to kill personal and professional relationships and guarantees burnout. 

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Where’s the door

For many of us establishing strong boundaries is an ongoing evolutionary process. I have heard so many clients, mostly women, and colleagues, again mostly women, complain about a lack of boundaries and how they struggle to stick to them. There’s definitely a lot to unpack there for women. We could blame the patriarchy, “good girl” syndrome, people pleasing, codependency, imposter syndrome…really any and all the cultural things out there. But I believe a big part of our problem setting boundaries is actually in our understanding of what a boundary is. And what it should do for us.

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Fitness Industry, Energy Balance, Nutrition Ericka Thomas Fitness Industry, Energy Balance, Nutrition Ericka Thomas

The holy grail of diets: Personalize your plate Rx

Today we’re talking about fuel for energy beyond the physical body. How to personalize the prescription on our plate for the best energy and nourishment. Our body is how we interact with the world so it’s important to take care of it. It is our vehicle. When something goes wrong in one system it affects all the other systems. So how can we fuel and nourish it in a way that supports our energy beyond just physical? The question most fit pros get more than any other (myself included) how should I eat? What should I eat? What’s the best diet if I want to get x,y,z? So let’s start our work IN.

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