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The ultimate key to resilience

We are after all only guides on the path to healthier lives. As guides we need to have a firm understanding of how to navigate in a trauma informed way in a trauma filled culture.. Over the past few weeks we’ve discussed the first half of that trauma informed navigation starting with the center point for yourself, co regulation and then activation. Now I want to share the secret sauce to anything trauma informed. It comes in 2 parts.

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Burnout, self care Ericka Thomas Burnout, self care Ericka Thomas

Breaking Burnout: Top 5 recovery skills

If you don’t have time to recharge and refill your well of energy now, when will you have the time for the inevitable crash and burn that happens even when we’re doing something we absolutely love?

So today I want to talk about something that Dr. Kate Steiner shared in episode 47. She explained the importance of defining your recovery formula. That’s simply a list of things that you can use that will help you recover and rest from the predicted and unpredictable burn events that we all come across in our day to day lives.

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wellness, Burnout Ericka Thomas wellness, Burnout Ericka Thomas

From Burnout to Recovery with Dr. Kate Steiner

Burnout is really characterized by three things beyond the fatigue, feeling emotionally drained feeling overwhelmed. Those pieces are part of burnout. But when you are waking up more days of the week than not, and you feel as though your work is unmanageable or that your work is a burden, or that you have lost the joy and passion that you previously had for your work. You're likely in a state of burnout.

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