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Trauma informed: What is it and why you should be

Trauma informed. It sounds good but that term isn’t well understood by the general public and has been diluted by the wellness community by click bait, quick buck certifications. There’s an assumption that because yoga is often recommended for ptsd, chronic pain, anxiety and depression that any and all yoga is trauma informed and that is simply not true. Today on The Work IN we’re taking a look at what being trauma informed means, what it looks like in yoga classes and why it’s something that all fit pros should understand. Today's discussion is going to focus on yoga but it applies across the fitness industry to all formats.

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Standing up for your own ethical voice

Todays solo episode discusses ethical communication, understanding intention and trusting your inner voice in your business and personal life.

... sometimes in our desire to make the “right” decisions in business is sometimes rooted in our fear of making a “wrong” decision, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by too many voices.

The loudest voices are sometimes the last ones who matter. They’re the folks who aren’t your ideal client, have no skin in the game, have no idea what you do or why you do it and usually don’t know you at all.

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What’s your real job?

Today I wanted to talk about the upstream cause of the issues we see in the fitness industry, high turnover, burnout and low skills is coming from a lack of understanding about what the job actually is and a true understanding of the skills that are required to succeed in a professional capacity without sacrificing your body through burnout over time.

So I want to start with this question. What is your real job? If you are a group fitness instructor, personal trainer, health coach, fitness specialist. Whatever your job title is, what is your real job?

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Unpack that money baggage

Today I wanted to talk about money baggage. During our conversation last week Dennis brought up the point that a lot of how we treat money, how we feel about money and business and our behaviors around money are rooted in our childhood experiences or lack of experience and influenced by how we saw others handling money. That’s our money baggage. And that baggage can weigh us down and hold us back financially in both our professional and personal lives. It becomes a subconscious filter through which we make all our money decisions including how we save, how we spend, how we invest, IF we invest, and how we price our services.

So the question becomes what is the money baggage that we’re carrying around, how is it affecting our behavior and how do we let it go?

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Taming the money lion: Emotions and money behavior with Dennis Harhalakis

If we can change our beliefs about our own value, then we can change those beliefs industry wide. We can shift out of thinking about our skills as a hobby job and taking ourselves more seriously as fitness business professionals. addressing our money behaviors goes beyond simply setting up a spreadsheet or hiring a bookkeeper to do our taxes. My guest today is going to help us go deep into money mindset to stop sabotaging our own success. Dennis Harhalakis is a certified money coach and the founder of Cambridge money coaching.

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Unfiltered Communication

This week’s solo episode … it's verbal communication, but we are also communicating with our body language with our energy and that comes from directly comes from how we are connected to ourselves how we are aware of our own body's reaction to what's happening around us, and then how we translate that information that awareness into an understanding of what's going on. Now, a lot of this happens instantaneously and very, very subconsciously. In the body. We are almost never aware of this communication within the body unless we really make mindful purposeful, intentional attention to those things as they come up in the body. And really kind of becoming more curious about what that means.

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