The Real Cost of Freedom


Welcome back to The Work IN. At the time of this recording we are just coming off the 4th of July weekend in the United States. Independence Day is particularly special to me and my family. I think it is one of my favorites. Not because of the barbeques and apple pie and fireworks, no.  I have many family members who have served or are currently serving in the US armed forces. My dad, cousin served in the Air Force, my son is currently serving,  all 3 of my brothers and husband in the Army. I spent the 7 first years of my life on an Airforce base. And I was raised with a deep appreciation for the history of this country in all it’s bloody glory.

I have a fierce belief in independence and self reliance that occasionally conflicts with my ability to ask for help but for the most part is founded in my love and gratitude for the freedom we enjoy in this country. And that’s what I want to talk to you about today. Freedom and what makes you free.

That’s a big question. We could dive deep into politics. We could try to look back on history and try to color it with our modern day morality. We could argue right or wrong, justify or rewrite the actions of the past. But that’s not the freedom I want to talk about.  I want to talk about you. Just you, and the freedom you have in your own skin as it is today.

This podcast is all about sharing different perspectives on health and wellness. And this idea of freedom within your body through a healthier lifestyle is at the core of that mission. 

Today I want you to think about some of the things you love in your life. The things that make you uniquely who you are, the people who you love and love you, the things you love to do. 

Now don’t get hung up on the thoughts that are running screaming through your head right now about all the stuff you wish you could or used to be able to do or the regrets or “if only” thought’s. - Let that shit go for right now. You can pick it back up later after we chat if you still want them. 

I think when it comes to our health it’s easy to get stuck on the outside stuff. The external ideas about what being healthy should look like. That there are sacrifices that you have to make in order to be healthy. That healthy choices are unpleasant, too hard or cost too much to be worth it.

I would argue that there is a cost to everything we do. And that includes the way we eat, the way we think, the way we move, the way we treat ourselves and others. Sometimes that cost comes with great rewards and it makes our world bigger. It can bring us more life, more energy, better sleep, more connection. 

All of our health choices carry a cost.The cost of neglecting the health of our body, whether it’s unconscious neglect or intentionally choosing to ignore healthier options goes beyond the inevitable chronic disease. That cost goes directly to your freedom.

The difference comes in when you pay the cost and when you reap the benefits of those choices.

You reap the benefit of your smoking habit today and pay the cost in lung & heart disease or cancer later.

You pay the cost of regular exercise now for better mobility, flexibility, balance and longevity later.

When you abdicate your responsibility for your own health, you chip away at your personal freedom. 

You don’t have to be physically locked up to be physically locked in your body, restricted from doing the things you love with the people you love. Unable to go where you want when you want. Dependent on other people's care.

You don’t have to actually be in chains to be bound and dependent on medication or addiction to drugs, alcohol or food. 

Chronic disease binds you. Chronic disease restricts your freedom. Choosing healthy movement, nutrition and connections can set you free.

Now before you spout off about your great uncle so & so who still smokes a pack a day and who’s still going strong at 80 something. We’re talking about freedom here.

Yes, in America you are free to choose how you want to live. That means if you want to live your life hooked up to an oxygen tank with a nebulizer every 4 hours - more power to you. If you want to spend more time in a waiting room than with your grandkids at the park, go for it. But if you want more life than that, you can have it. You have the freedom to make shifts in your health that will reverberate through your future. You can make choices that will bring freedom into your own body, steps that make it easier to be in your body instead of harder. In this body that you’ve been given, you are only as bound as you insist on being.

Think back to all those things I asked you to think of earlier. The things you love to do, the people you love the be with, the things that make you who you are. And ask yourself this question, What’s one thing that I can do or change today that would help me be free to experience more life filled with those things?

Think about it and I’d love to hear what you discover. Feel free to reach out through social media to share You can find me on IG at elementalkinetics and on FB at elementalkineticsmovewell

In the spirit of freedom, over the next few episodes I want to highlight ways to move, eat, sleep and connect that will bring more freedom to your body, mind and spirit. I hope you’ll join me next time on the Work IN.

And if you like what you heard and are curious to learn more about my mission to help outstanding individuals like you find freedom from stress, tension and trauma you can check it out at


I’m Ericka

I coach warriors, outstanding individuals like you, off the battlefield of trauma for lasting resilience to all sources of stress, tension and anxiety.  I use a fusion of trauma release and yoga to help you reclaim your independence & explore ways to work through the body to re-establish safe relationships with your family, friends & most importantly yourself.

I’d love to work with you! Book a call to learn more.


The path to Freedom though food, fitness, & mindset


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