Welcome to The Work IN!
Energy medicine for trauma with Greg Wieting
My guest today is the founder of Prisma, a framework that overlays trauma, neuroscience, and energy medicine was somatic and mindfulness based practices and develop this while healing his own anxiety, depression and chronic pain rooted in trauma. So he has his own personal story, and I'm really excited to talk to him today.
Self centered trauma informed
Welcome back to the Work IN. Today I’d like to begin a series of episodes on integrating trauma informed principles in the fitness industry. Ready or not, everyone who comes to you for health and fitness goals is also carrying some level of stress and trauma and being affected bay that in known and unknown ways. And Fun fact, you are too.
Stop Stretching: Intentional muscle activation with Yogi Aaron
My guest today is Yogi Aaron who is trailblazing a new path in the world of yoga. He's known for his unorthodox perspectives on stretching and flexibility, and how both can cause more harm than good. His teachings aim to help as many people as possible live a pain free lifestyle, so they can realize yoga is true intentions.
Mindset madness: Money, energy and self sabotage
Mindset madness: Money, energy and self sabotage - How your money beliefs can sabotage your success before you even get started. Pricing your offerings so that people want to pay you!
Money mindset is the subconscious saboteur of solopreneurs everywhere. It doesn’t matter how passionate you are about what you have to offer, how good you are at what you do, or how incredible your product is. If you can’t ask for money in exchange for it you’re going to struggle as a business.
Mindset madness: Curating your circle of support
Mindset marination: Curating your circle of support. Today's episode is about paying attention to what you are soaking in from the people around you and how to use mastermind communities to leverage knowledge, support and success without getting sucked down the rabbit holes of fear and tech distraction.
Mindset madness: Squirrel! Shiny objects and how to create boundaries that support a burnout proof work life balance
Entrepreneurs in any business but especially bootstrappers like so many of us are in the fitness industry, need to be careful of falling down the rabbit holes of distraction (like shiny objects) that are secretly procrastination in disguise.