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Entrepreneur, Business Coaching, Social Media Ericka Thomas Entrepreneur, Business Coaching, Social Media Ericka Thomas

3 Social media skills NO ONE needs (and are crippling your business)

I have had a love hate relationship with social media from day one but when you are looking to scale an online business it seems like a necessary evil. I’ve learned some things over the last 4 years though that have given me a little less anxiety and a whole lot more backbone when it comes to using social media as a tool. I’d like to share some of those things with you including 3 specific social media marketing skills that no one needs no matter what business you’re in.

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How to use AI with integrity: Setting professional boundaries

Are you hearing a lot about AI? I am. It seems every other story in the online business has to do with new AI tools. Either how this new tool will revolutionize your business or how it’s the beginning of the end of free thought and creativity. No matter what camp you fall into, AI technology is here to stay and you might want to set some intentional professional boundaries around how or why or if you are going to use it.

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Hypervigilant helicopter parenting: How to land that bird and reconnect with your kids

What I’d like to highlight in today’s episode has to do with how our hypervigilant state of protection prevents us from emotionally connecting and bonding with the people who we are trying to protect. Especially our kids but this also applies to pretty much any relationship.

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The myth of safe spaces

I teach people how to hold space as part of trauma informed coaching and instruction. The purpose of holding space in that way is to create enough safety to calm the nervous system. Why would we want to do that? To find common ground, to be able to speak to each other from a place of bi directional tolerance and understanding, to be able to listen to each other, to be able to learn from one another. Notice I didn’t say to always agree with one another. I think it’s ok that we disagree sometimes. But I want to be very clear here. Being trauma informed and following these principles does not mean that you won’t trigger someone or that they won’t get offended. As an instructor or coach (or just a regular person) you can’t be held responsible for anyone else's emotions or experiences. That’s not what trauma informed means. In order to hold space for others and truly be trauma informed you need to create your own internal safe space that is stable and untouchable. A deep calm so that when things go sideways you know which way is up.

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The ultimate key to resilience

We are after all only guides on the path to healthier lives. As guides we need to have a firm understanding of how to navigate in a trauma informed way in a trauma filled culture.. Over the past few weeks we’ve discussed the first half of that trauma informed navigation starting with the center point for yourself, co regulation and then activation. Now I want to share the secret sauce to anything trauma informed. It comes in 2 parts.

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Communication and coregulation w/Colleen Jorgensen

My guest is Colleen Jorgensen from stillness in motion, She has been on the program several times in the past, and you can check the show notes for links to those other podcast episodes we've spoken in the past about communication about pain care, awareness, and clean is just an amazing instructor. She's an osteopath and yoga instructor and has years and years of experience in the fields, both in the fitness industry and with pain care. And she is just a fantastic teacher for general population, but also really an inspiration for other fitness professionals, both in and out of the yoga industry. And so I'm really excited to have her today we're going to be talking more about communication, more about how to elevate our skill level in communication, both with our students and our clients and also maybe some more internal connections with ourself, just to make our amazing careers even more amazing. So please welcome to the podcast. My good friend Colleen. Jorgensen

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